Jun 05, 2004 21:14
screw those other days who cares about those fun days im here to talk about my fav soco song, the song i love yet hate. The song that a thank SoCo for making yet hope they die for making it... thats right Konstantine i listen to that song at least 6 times a day and it hasnt really made me cry but sure made me sad but tonight idk i just listened to it and started to cry and couldnt stop, and so what if im crying over a song if you think im a sissy for so then go the head an fucking think that i dont care. Its not like the song has any meaning to me im not in love or just got my heartbroken. Since i was in that sad kinda mood i decided to stop listening to konstantine and so other songs that could make me feel better but tangerine,thank you and stairway to heaven didnt quite help. But it was while listening to thank you while in my room alone in the dark holding onto my stuffed animal thing did i realize that i just want to be in love and have a g/f and i mean a "real" g/f and really be in love. Which then lead to my next problem i was looking for real ddep love as a teenager which is impossible.... sigh i dont know what to do
and then there is telmo who has some problems with his g/f. i hope he gets over it or idk gets better and though i haven been heartbroken or in "real love" im still here man
i want someone to call "MY Konstantine"