These days, there is a combination of two reactions to the insistence that we hold the cruel, fact-free response to the new coronavirus accountable for exacting a toll on humanity that the virus itself never could have achieved. One is that we all just need to move on (right). Or that, we’re not out of the woods yet (when will we)?
You can Google all of this. Don’t make me research this for you. Think for yourself.
The fact is, places like Sweden and Florida proved several other places in the world to be wrong for throwing away their existing pandemic response plans and insisting on just copying China. The Communist Chinese Party lied to the rest of the world that they successfully eradicated the virus in Wuhan using lockdowns; so if the rest of us do that too, we will be able to claim the same victory. Another super important lie is that asymptomatic spread is a statistically significant vector of infection, so everyone needs to mask up forever, err I mean for two weeks. And since asymptomatic spread was an allegedly significant infection vector, we need to test everyone constantly. Perhaps the most significant lie of all was that once someone becomes symptomatic, that they need to be put on mechanical ventilators.
The doomsday brigade have and to some degree continue to claim vindication by waving around big sounding numbers. “Over a million Americans dead from Covid-19!” Ignoring temporarily that most of them would have survived if they hadn't have been put on ventilators that killed 90% of those put on them, we know now that the deceased were being medically coded as Covid-dead even when they were killed by something else (like a motorcycle collision) but had also tested positive.
It took years for the people pushing the panic to finally, quietly admit that there is a difference between “died from Covid” versus “died with Covid” and as a result, a full 25-33% of those who “died from Covid” actually did. However, even if that wasn’t the case, while “a million people” is a big number, let’s consider two facts. One is that prior to 2020, approximately 2.8 million Americans die from all causes annually. So first, if Covid was adding so much more death, we would see it in the all-cause number, increasing to nearly four million by the end of 2020 or 2021. That didn't happen. The other fact is that, as a percentage of the US population, a million people is less than 0.31% of Americans.
"It would have been much worse without the lockdowns though." No, no it wouldn't have, and we know that because of Sweden, Florida and the Amish and how their rates of death did not far exceed those of countries like England which had all but welded the front doors shut on its citizens.
Certainly, just one person passing away from anything is a Personal tragedy to the friends, family as well as colleagues or classmates of that person. However, it is not possible to prevent-from a public policy perspective-all death. From a public policy perspective, everything must be evaluated from the perspective of what is good for the population. It was never appropriate to "copy China" for any reason, let alone for a sub-0.2% IFR (infection-fatality ratio) virus that impacted less than 1% of Americans. This is why each person has their own doctor that one comes to see to get an examination and, if necessary, a prescription for one's own personal risks and for what ails you now. You do not get your medical advice from a news bulletin read to you over the TV (or at least, you’re not supposed to). Like individual liberty, personal responsibility is never cancelled, even in the event of a so-called “emergency.”
Personal responsibility, by the way, being the great divide between communism and the individual liberty-oriented view primarily presented in the West. The mask, isolate & test propaganda that the CCP pushed heavily (primarily into Western academia, medical and ultimately political institutions, but also direct to the English-speaking public via Twitter) is founded on communist principles. This is also why the virus became heavily moralized. It was never seen as “unethical” to catch a cold, to have the flu before, but Xi Jinping worked to advance the wide-spread understanding within China that getting sick is "irresponsible" to the rest of the world. Indeed, perhaps nothing better signaled that the brand new response to a virus in the west was, in reality, communist in origin than the extremely sophisticated (and highly expensive) marketing campaign that came with it, and it's signature catchphrase, "in this together."
To understand the CCP and Xi Jinping's Direct role in all of this, I highly recommend reading “
Snakeoil,” perhaps the most important book ever written about what happened and why it happened by Michael P. Senger. Inside are nearly six-hundred citations in the way of documenting how first Europe and then ultimately the United States fell pray to a highly coordinated PsyOp that advanced the specious yet fallacious logic that people can control an upper-respiratory virus or even eradicate it. A fallacy that led to the lockdowns that caused an increase in everything from poverty, homelessness, joblessness, suicide and childhood suicide to alcohol, drug and spousal abuse and countless other long lasting damage around the world.
To add insult to the injury of the total and complete destruction of so many businesses, jobs and personal lives that the government response to a coronavirus caused is that there was (apart from the mass hypochondria that persisted it), so much money to be made. Weeks after the lockdowns began, California governor Gavin Newson proudly announced giving China a billion dollars to buy masks from them. It has also since come out that many of the tests and more recently at-home test kits were made in and sold by China. The quarter of a trillion dollars given to pharmaceutical companies from governments around the world speaks for itself. Lately, and throughout 2022, there has been one story after the next breaking in the news that ‘Rona Bux (a.k.a. “Covid-19 economic relief fund” packages) were routinely abused by just about everyone. Companies in Corporate America, government officials, even IRS agents. By selling fear porn, the government and Big Pharma were able to come together and pull off one of the greatest scams in the history of the world. Jordan Belfort did time for what they’ve done and continue to get away with, but when the government breaks the law, nobody goes to prison.
The only reason that any of these worthless corona countermeasures have ever started to see their days come to an end-between the vaccine passports, testing to fly, post-flight quarantines, and mask mandates-is mass protesting and lawsuits. One of the most important victories was in 2020 when several churches successfully sued the State of California over these heinous violations of everyone’s civil liberties (which included bans on at-home religious gatherings. Read that again: there was a GOVERNMENT ban on adults voluntarily gathering IN THEIR OWN HOMES). While some religious organizations like SGI-USA pay lip service to courage and wax nostalgic about when they used to carry out their mission no matter what the government said, South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista, California and Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California carried on the tradition of Christians having to fight back against evil once again.
Once more, the fight was far from easy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conspired with officials in Ottawa to use equestrian police to stomp the skulls of grandmothers in a truly peaceful protest; where there was no looting, no shooting, no businesses getting burnt to the ground, no business owners being beat to a bloody pulp like in some other “protests” that happened over the summer of 2020. The Australian Military, the Armed Forces, were deployed and used rubber-projectile weapons to subdue its protests, and sent cops door to door to ask people if they were planning on participating in any protests, showing them their own social media posts as the reason for their inquiry. Again: in textbook, CCP-fashion, the government came straight to your home to deliver hot 'n fresh tyranny.
Too many people were unaware of the fact that this was the march of communism dressed in a white lab coat. However, thankfully, protest marches in Belgium, Italy, France, the Netherlands and, to a certain extent, a couple of protests here in there even in weed-smoking don’t-care California were starting to bring change. However, again, it did not come easy, and lawyers were not exactly shooting fish in a barrel either. As Michael P. Senger discusses in “Snakeoil,” numerous judges in courts failed to uphold their responsibilities, and dismissed most of the then-83 anti-mandate lawsuits in California alone.
Just like previous generations had to go to war against the communists abroad at great personal risk and individual sacrifice, so have today’s protestors and litigators and on multiple fronts. And while the silence by human rights organizations was absolutely deafening during all of this, the actual people fighting for our civil liberties and human rights were surrounded. They were flanked on one side by anti-freedom talking heads in the news media, flanked on another side by the crazed hypochondriacs psychologically infected by the 24/7 fear-porn being pumped out of the TV, flanked then on another side by the government itself abusing its authority under endless “emergency” powers, flanked finally on the other side by the pharmaceutical companies working to protect their investment.
They sought to discredit Sweden’s response as it contrasted to much of the rest of the world’s very early on. This was important because one of the narratives being used by Team Doomsday to excuse the horrible, egregious acts of government (and even individual people; one’s own friends, family and neighbors) is that: Because this was a novel virus, there was "much we didn’t know" and therefore, as “the science evolved,” the guidance changed. Only this wasn’t "guidance," these were mandates that-in the United States-violated the constitutional rights of Americans, and violated the civil and human rights of people all over the world. And moreover, while biologically, the genetics of this particular coronavirus involved a new nucleic acid sequence, spike proteins are nothing new, and moreover, the mechanical action of an upper-respiratory virus were definitely not new. URVs are well-known, well-studied and well-understood with plenty of documentation about what does and does not work in their mitigation.
For example, prior attempts to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus-to stop the common cold-resulted in unsuccessful trials that ultimately killed the cats that they were tested on. 40 years of RCTs (that’s randomized controlled trial, the gold standard in scientific experiments) proved that particles of viruses are several microns too small to be stopped by face masks that you can pick up from the local drug store. Before it became politically and financially advantageous to start claiming otherwise, Dr. Anthony Fauci explained on CBS News that the best these masks can do is stop gross particles, large droplets sprayed out of the nose and mouth by coughing and sneezing. But because such symptomatic people should be staying home in the first place, going out in public wearing a face mask is offering little protection for anyone else.
On occasion, people might look to Asian countries’ widespread use of these things as evidence that they work. Only, the reason for widespread masking in countries like Japan prior to the coronavirus was to deal with much larger particulate: pollen (and PM2.5, a pollutant that emanates from the dirty manufacturing practices of the adjacent China). However, this still doesn’t testify to their effectiveness. Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea had +99% mask compliance since the beginning of 2020, yet saw multiple infection "waves," with cases rising and falling seasonally (as coronaviruses tend to do). And prior to this, masking never stopped their outbreaks of influenza either. I’ve read claims that at least their fatality rate has been lower, which they strangely and baselessly claim is due to masking. The virus does skew more lethal for the elderly, and yet despite the fact that the average adult age in the United States is around 35 and the average adult age in Japan is around 48, there was less death and hospitalization from Covid in Japan.
This, however, is more likely attributable to the naturally higher vitamin D intake because of their diet and, moreover, having an overall statistically lower BMI (body-mass index) than in places like the United States, a comorbidity that was implicated in more than 76% of “Covid deaths” in America. What’s not well understood in the general public is that the virus isn’t what kills the person, it’s the immunological response to it. The danger comes from the high fever and cytokine storm, which is triggered by the immune system trying to kill the virus. If a person is already hyper-inflamed due to being obese, then their probability of encountering potentially fatal complications increases.
But this is a binary issue. You’re either infected or you aren’t. And ignoring for the moment that people have tested positive when they aren’t (and vice versa), masking doesn’t somehow make the virus less potent if you get infected. That’s witchcraft-level nonsense.
Speaking of other countries, Israel and Sweden end up being very good analogies. Israel was the first to reach a +95% triple-jabbed rate and saw their cases skyrocket. Meanwhile Sweden never had Los Angeles-level lockdowns (including a solo paddleboarder who was alone, on the beach, in the water by himself, when he was arrested by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies). This same country, Sweden, didn’t see the widespread death and hospitalizations that Team Doomsday anticipated for any country that didn't lock down.
The NHS was on the BBC daily telling people that, for all intents and purposes, if you go outside for so much as an hour to walk your dog, you’re killing people. It was very, very important to suppress the fact that in Sweden, going outside for a walk was not causing people to keel over in the streets as depicted by the mass propaganda videos that China worked very hard for as many Americans and other westerners as possible to see. The point being is that, this “there’s much we didn’t know” excuse is a load of rubbish because all the rest of the world had to do was ask, “so then how come Swedes aren’t filling up their hospitals and dying all over the place?”
What needs to happen going forward is debunking as often as possible the mantra that, “there’s much we don’t know and it would have been so much worse had we done nothing at all.” Because that’s the garbage that keeps this whole thing going. Critical thinking has, much to the detriment of us all, become an endangered species. There is cancer medication that still can’t get prescribed or otherwise sold in the market because of the years of safety testing (sometimes upwards of a decade) that the FDA used to require in order to approve a new drug. And yet, somehow, we are all expected to believe that the pharmaceutical companies pulled off a miracle breakthrough that allowed them to create a vaccine that was not only effective but safe in months after a virus so new that the rules to stop or “slowing the spread” proved to be a total failure.
Which is it? Was it either so new that we couldn’t have known that social distancing, plastic barriers, and masking were nothing more than medical theater, or we knew enough to be able to create an injection that was, for the first time in the history of vaccinations, able to stop a coronavirus.
The level of belief that must be suspended by a thinking person in a situation like this is off the charts. Thankfully for the pharmaceutical companies, those such people were in short supply that year. It seemed like the perfect scheme too because rather than try and convince individual people to buy their product, the government bought the product and then gave it to the pharmacies and other healthcare providers to dispense “for free.” With the general public spared the expense of personally paying for the shot, it seemed like the perfect plan.
What went wrong (and we could see it by how over 97% of those eligible to receive a booster declined to do so) is that, as it turns out, politicians and bureaucrats make lousy salesmen. It was almost immediately clear that the injections were possibly not all that safe and definitely not that effective.
The whole point to taking a chance on an experimental medication that could only be legally sold under an EUA (emergency-use authorization) was to stop masking because you couldn’t catch it or spread it. Well, you can spread it, you can catch it and they reinstituted mask mandates almost immediately after dropping them in places like Los Angeles. While a sophisticated PR firm for a private enterprise could have expertly navigated the storm of their product turning out to be a failure and save the reputation of the company, governments are not nearly so eloquent.
No instead, the Los Angeles County Public Health director Barbara Ferrer looks like an undead zombie, ducks questions and dodges the few interviews the media bothers to request to ask just what in the hell is going on. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors moved to lockdown restaurants in November, 2020 (again) the day after Board Supervisor Sheila Kuehl went to one of these “death trap” restaurants to go fine dining in Santa Monica, California. Gavin Newsom was seen maskless dining with over a hundred guests indoors at The French Laundry, because Covid is such an existential threat to all of mankind. Democrat politicians throughout America dogpiled the unwillingness of Kristi Noem, eventually Greg Abbot and especially Ron DeSantis to destroy South Dakota, Texas and Florida over a severe chest cold before a cabal of Democrats including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez snuck down to the sunshine state to party mask-free, as many Californians had in 2020. It’s illegal to have a mask mandate in Japan, but rule following is a major aspect of Japanese life so they didn’t need one.
Stores voluntarily demand customers and employees to mask up even if it’s 100 degrees outside in 70% humidity, including children (who’ve had to be hospitalized for heatstroke). However, the yen is in the worst shape it’s ever been in due to 26+ months of basically banning anyone who isn’t Japanese from entering the country unless they have a business visa, and so once again, they have been forced to re-open their borders in a last-ditch effort to pull their economy out of a nosedive. However, they are simultaneously working to let hotels legally refuse customers who won’t mask. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida appears maskless at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and on numerous other occasions outside of Japan.
So it’s either the world’s most lethal upper-respiratory virus making tuberculosis look like a joke and might as well be airborne AIDS or Ebola, or it’s mild enough to be stopped by tissue paper occasionally strapped to your face until you sit down to eat, or you’re at a social function attended by the upper echelons. Which is it?
The good news is that day by day, people have stopped buyin’ it but it’s taking a while. I have an acquaintance that holds parties at their house that I used to attend between mid-2018 until the end of 2019. Incredibly, they still require visitors to provide proof of vaccination here at the end of 2022. And now I read picture-of-health Illinois governor J. B. Pritzker wants to bring back mask mandates. Evidently, Team Doomsday will not accept defeat, moving the goal posts all over the place. “Long Covid is a thing so even if you don’t die, getting infected at all is a tragedy,” and, "we eradicated polio with vaccines didn't we?" (no animal reservoir for that) and “at least with this shot, there’s less severity if infected” (just not even true).
No matter what these lunatics say, there is nothing from a medical perspective that justifies the mandates, the shaming, the politicization, the threats to remaining employed, the threat to be expelled from the US Armed Forces. Suggestions that those unwilling to roll the dice on a hastily tested, leaky vaccine should be on the hook for their own medical bills. The cheers for when anyone that criticized the government mandates caught Covid. This wasn’t just ignorance. This was fear metastasized into malicious sadism. You can’t just go on pretending like that was OK, didn’t happen or won’t happen again. Team Doomsday are like stalkers: just when you think you’ve gotten them to stop bothering you with their insanity, you come home one day, and see them standing in your driveway.
So long as this paranoia persists, it’s definitely not time to move on. It is more important than ever to, every day, hold Team Doomsday accountable. Say “no,” not comply, do not get the shot if you don’t want it, stop masking, stop getting tested for a cold, and absolutely stop visiting businesses or countries that voluntarily continue to push these worthless countermeasures. It were these actions of conscientious disobedience that caused most of the mandates to finally get rescinded in the first place. Don’t stop now.