all seeing abstract analyze everything...

Jun 25, 2004 02:05

im so tired that im dizzy, my eyes are crossing and closing i cant

people dont say that to me. i didnt know how
respond. of course i wanted to hit you. haul off and charlie horse your
leg....i loved waking up...i wished to the high heavens
that i didnt have to work anymore....and i will be suffering, but it was worth
you made me
safe and secure, with myself...

1 purchase = the chocolate factory = heaven, best idea ever.
tomorrows the party. and the concert.i cant believe really that you are going to the concert....kinda pisses me off but what can i do? the party is WAY more important. well to me it is, i dont have any previous commitments. watched depps secret window. creepy mind movie is what that was - jeesh - i dont think i will sleep - hell no body could apparently. adam healed dlo. i wish i could remember all the funny things that have happened, i guess i could report back tomara with the lines and things....mambas and flying snakes were the theme - cause now that jack has a date set to leave for korea - everything in korea that could kill him - had to be researched. ugh. korea. its all happening. going to toronto at the end of august sounds like the best idea for me - but i cant leave dlo behind. i cant leave dlo in that room. when i said last night that i needed to get her out of there -
i meant it.
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