(no subject)

Nov 29, 2008 13:05

*                               *                               *                               *                               *

“MASON, wake the fuck up man, what the hell are you two doing down here, its fucking 4am”

Mason slowly opened his eyes and became aware of his surroundings. He slowly rose to his elbows and looked at an irate Roxy, standing next to a hotel security guard

“Thanks I got em” she waved to the fat balding security man

She was standing with her hands on her hips, the complementary robe tied loosely around her waist, curlers in her hair and her face smothered in an with an ugly green cream

“I was…hang on” he turned his head from side to side, he was lying on one of the lounges in the lobby, Georgia was reclined with her feet propped up over Masons legs “Roxy, you interrupted the most wonderful dream” Wason yawned and rubbed his eyes

“mmhmm, I can see that” Roxy cocked her head and raised her eyebrow motioning with her eyes to Masons pants, she threw him his jacket and leant over shaking George

“Come on honey wake up”

*                               *                               *                               *                               *

The four reapers sat in the back row of the large hotel auditorium. It was filled to capacity, with rows and rows of uncomfortable hard plastic seats, occupied by an array of business and office workers. Situated at the front of the large hall, was a stage spanning the width of the room, it was cluttered with pie charts, papers, a projection screen and a small podium.

In front of the podium stood a small, plump middle aged man, George guessed 50 years old. Despite the man’s girth the podium dwarfed him and he had to use an old wooden box to be seen. He stepped up and adjusted the microphone, clearing his throat as he did so. It was evident that this man was nervous and had little experience with public speaking and crowds, his left hand shook slightly as he retrieved a small chequered hankie from his pants pocket and proceeded to mop his brow- accidentally upsetting the painfully obvious toupee that was stuck to his head.

Mason laughed quietly and was about to speak before a stern look from Roxy made him re-evaluate his comment, and kept him quiet.

“Good Morning to all, and welcome to this business and relationship seminar” he began mopping his brow again and absent mindedly adjusting his small thick glasses.

“My name is Peter MacFarlane, and I will be speaking for the remainder of the week”

Georgia flicked through the pile of post its- no P. MacFarlane

“Mine” Mason whispered as Georgia realised her colleagues were scanning their reaps too.

“We will be recessing at 11 am and convening again at 1pm for the afternoon session, the week will involve a number of self help and motivational speeches as well as a few group activities to deal with trust and relationship building” he fixed his glasses again, and shuffled through his notes.

*                               *                               *                               *                               *

The morning session of the conference was dull and both Mason and George were repeatedly woken by Daisy and Roxy, at 11am they broke for lunch and went to get coffee in a nearby café- a small 50s dinner car. The walls were plastered with memorabilia from the era, and a small novelty jukebox sat in the corner. They sat in the furthest booth and ordered coffee. They sat in silence for the first five minutes with Roxy finally breaking the silence

“Are either of you going to tell me why you deemed it necessary to consume two thirds of the hotels alcohol stash last night?”

Georgia and Mason looked at each other and back to Roxy

“Two thirds of their alcohol- Roxy I think your being a little melodramatic two thirds is a lot” Georgia replied yawning settling down into her chair, beside Mason

“Melodramatic my ass, the bar staff said they’ve never seen anything like it. No one after drinking that much should have been alive to talk about it in the morning- especially a little white girl like you. So much for remaining inconspicuous, they said they’d remember it for the rest of their days” Roxy chided

“They wouldn’t happen to be a P. Watson or D. Douglas would they by any chance? cos their remaining days won’t be too many” Mason replied with a smirk

“And what happened to the sobriety thing Mason” Roxy retorted, with a sneer. It was evident Roxy was pissed bearing an uncanny resemblance to Rube

“I just had a bad reap is all, it threw me”

“Oh please Mason I've known you for 20 years you haven’t let one reap throw you yet”

“If you must know, it was me. I mean the death it was exactly the same as mine, I couldn’t deal with it right then and I needed a bit of…” Mason trailed off, Roxy diverted her gaze to Georgia who had drifted off to sleep her head resting on Mason’s shoulder.

“I haven’t seen her drink that much since that rich prick dumped her, the night she was thrown in the cell at the station”

“Funny that, the name on her post it, happened to be, well him.” Mason confided

“Oh poor George, she didn’t try to save him did she?” Daisy enquired

Mason scoffed and shook his head” far from it”

“oh no she didn’t revenge reap did she?”

Mason shrugged and gave a half smile

“I’d prefer it if you talked about me when I'm not here, or not at all thank you” Georgia straightened in her seat without opening her eyes” or you could ask me directly Daisy” she added

Daisy leant forward over the table and placed her hand over Georgia’s “oh Georgia honey, revenge reaps never work, especially the ones you sleep with- they just remind you that your well” she paused “stuck here”

The waitress came back over and refilled their coffee

“So Mason” Roxy pried “you gunna fill us in on the details of that,” Roxy cleared her throat “excitingly good dream I interrupted you from in the early hours of this morning?”

"Just an ordinary dream"

Roxy scoffed "let up Mason, i know it was a good dream you made it pretty clear, a bit of morning glory? Who were you fucking?"

"No one" Mason answered unconvincingly

"Mason Mason Mason you've never been shy about your sex dreams, quite proud and vocal as I recall, unless it was about someone we know...?" Daisy eyed Mason "It wasn’t about me was it? I asked you to keep me out of that head of yours, we may have shared a moment or two in the past but it won’t happen again"

"It wasn’t you, trust me on that, it was…no one"

"The hell it was, if it wasn’t Daisy, the chance of you considering me like that would be slim to none- and I’m guessing it wasn’t Rube only leaves..." Roxy paused and both she and Daisy looked at Georgia and back to Mason

"No, no… Mason" Georgia started all eyes were now focused on Mason

Mason squirmed opened his mouth, and shut it again, then slumped in his chair defeated turning to face George with a pleading look on his face" I'm sorry Georgie, you went into such explicit detail last night it sort of, well it kinda, you really revved me up love- it was like free porn I’m so sorry I promise it won’t happen again" Mason waited for the inevitable response, he braced himself preparing for the very least a slap

"It better not- and that’s the last time I tell you anything of that nature involving me again"

After a moment Mason perked up relief washed over him and he relaxed. A cheeky smirked drew itself across George's face as she punched Mason's arm

“Ow, that really hurt, and you waited for me to relax, you cheeky little” Mason trailed off rubbing his arm, he looked at George; her lips were pouted and eyebrows raised, Mason raised his hands in surrender “okay, okay I did deserve it, but only a little” Mason pinched his forefinger and thumb together to emphasise his last words, and smiled.

Roxy and Daisy exchanged looks.

*                               *                               *                               *                               *

The afternoon session’s itinerary was posted on a large whiteboard at the front of the hotel

“Ballroom dancing? What the hell does that have to do with this seminar? “Georgia exclaimed

“Oh look at this Reveal and Reflections, I wonder what sort of revealing that means” Mason and George looked at each other

“We gotta get out of this somehow, there’s no way I'm sharing my deepest darkest with you lot” Mason looked back to the board. At the same time Daisy swooped passed

“Even if you did share there’s no way I would want to know the perverted inner workings of your mind”

“Hey let off...”

“And here I thought the dancing would get you” Georgia smiled and turned to Mason, who took hold of her hand and twirled her around the lobby dipping her backwards and back up again carefully- yet quite impressively

“I’ll have you know Georgie-girl, my dear, that I am quite an accomplished dancer” bowing down while still holding her hand

Daisy and Roxy were both standing a few meters away near the conference room door “did you see that” Roxy exclaimed stifling a laugh, “first the dream and now the dancing- I swear if he kisses her hand I'm gunna,”

“Oh Roxy don’t be such a bitch, its kinda cute- I've never seen him behave that way, goofy cute sure but I don’t know he’s being…”


“Yeah, it’s kinda sweet”

pair: george/mason, › by: shnookies00, character: mason, - fanfiction -, [pov]: third person, › series: untitled, character: george, [length]: serial, [rating]: ›ma, pair: [het]

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