Fucked up Anniversary

Oct 03, 2007 18:07

Author: make_me_shiny
Title: “Fucked Up Anniversary”
Fandom: Dead Like Me
Pairing: Rube/Mason
Rating: R - NC-17
Summary: Mason shows up at Rube's door for something that is a bit of a steamy yearly tradition for them.
Warnings: Language, language, language. Sexual situations between two males, Graphic sex, mentions of drug use.
A/N: This is my first Dead Like Me fan fiction, please be gentle ^_^
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, nor do I claim to. I have no affiliation with anyone from the writing staff of Dead Like Me, or Showtime. Please don't sue me. I can barely make a living as it is. Read as: I'm poor.

“Fucked up Anniversary”

When Rube answered his front door that Friday evening, he certainly hadn’t expected to find Mason standing there sopping wet and shivering.

“Hi,” was all that Mason offered by way of explanation at first, causing Rube to roll his eyes.

“Jesus Christ Mason, what the hell are you doing?” He grabbed the younger man by the front of his maroon jacket and tugged him into the apartment closing the door after him. “Its three o’clock in the fuckin’ morning. Please, I beg you to tell me what the hell could be so important that you felt the need to walk all the way over here in the rain for. And I swear to God, Mason you better not say money.”

Mason’s eyes were red; red from crying, red from the drugs, red from night after night of no sleep. Sniffing gently, he surprised Rube by taking a step towards him. The older reaper raised an eyebrow but stayed silent for the moment. He never could have prepared himself for what came out of Mason’s mouth next.

“I need you to fuck me.” Mason told him flatly; his eyes finally lifting to look at Rube. His arms were wrapped tightly around himself at that point for warmth, and he shifted his weight slightly as he waited for a reaction. Rube sighed as the words slipped past Mason’s lips and he shook his head gently. This wasn’t the first time this had happened. No, this was something that had been going on for a while now. Every year, maybe year and a half since they had met, the other seemed to have some kind of mental break down, or shut down. Whatever the term was for it, it sent him running to Rube’s apartment in the middle of the night with the same request. Had it really been that long since last time?

“Mason, we’re not going through this again.” Rube told him with frustration lacing his gruff voice. “Tell me what the fuck is wrong with you that you have to keep doing this.” His voice had started to raise a bit.

“Everything!” Mason shot the words right back at him without missing a beat. “Everything is wrong with me!” His eyes actually looked a little helpless, and his voice…well, that was just beyond pathetic at that point. “I’m a fucking mess.” Mason did look like shit. He looked like shit every time this happened.

“Can’t argue with that.” He stated flatly. A small flash of pity flickered in his gaze as he paused to stare at the other for a few moments.

“Then why are we still standing here blah-blah-blah-ing,” he asked moving towards Rube. He was disappointed however to feel a hand jut out to press against his stomach and hold him at arms length.

“Don’t.” Rube interjected. “You know damn well that I told you last time that this was never going to happen again.”

“Yeah, but I thought you were joking.” Mason argued, his frame having slumped considerably at being denied.

“Does it look like I’m joking?”


“’Cause this is the same exact face I had on when I said it a year ago.” He pointed at his expression with the hand that wasn’t holding Mason in place away from him.

“Right, but…” Mason tried to move forward again, sighing when he found that it was still no use. “I figured you might have, well, you know, changed your mind by now,” he tried. His lips curved gently into a sort of drunken half smile.

“Are you on something right now?” Rube asked point blank in his no bullshit attitude.

“No.” The younger reaper tried his best to look as not high as possible. No such luck apparently as the expression on Rube’s face screamed volumes on exactly how much he wasn’t buying it. “Alright, maybe a little,” Mason tried again. “But it’s just to keep my head clear,” he insisted. It was a little more than that, but really, who needed to know?

“And you expect me to reward this kind of behavior?” His hand fell away from Mason’s stomach for a moment in a small gesture.

“I expect you to do more than that actually…” Mason told him, taking the opportunity to step forward. That was Rube’s mistake every single time. One way or another, he allowed Mason to get too close.

“Mason-” Rube tried to protest, but it was too late. Mason’s lips were already exploring his neck, leaving wet, heated kisses along the length of it. He could feel the wetness of Mason’s jacket and clothes seeping into his own. This was too close. It was way too close.

“Shh…” Mason let the note be breathed out against the kiss dampened flesh of the older man’s neck and began to nip at it gently. “You have no idea how bad I need this right now,” he whispered out just underneath Rube’s ear before allowing his tongue to flick out to meet the shell of it briefly. As soon as Rube’s eyes closed he knew he had lost the battle. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t still protest a little, maybe get some long overdue information out of the other.

“You don’t need this Mason.” Rube told him gruffly, but still tilted his head to the side just a little to give the other man better access to his neck. “This is just another one of your addictions. I swear to God, you’re so fucking stupid sometimes I wish you were alive, so I could kill you.” Mason laughed gently at that. Only a high person would laugh at that.

“That’s not very nice.” He laughed, pulling back to look at the other man a moment before returning to what he had been doing. His stubble scratched against the other’s neck as he kissed and sucked and bit at the flesh there, trying to get Rube to see things his way. “I swear, I need this. I’m a mess…I’m a fucking mess, just look at me.” He said, pulling back and bringing his lips to meet the other man’s speaking in between the sloppy wet kisses. “God, I feel like…I’ve lost it. Fix it…” He breathed out into the other’s mouth. These words were all too familiar coming from Mason to him. This was how it happened every time. Pulling back from the heat of Mason’s mouth, he frowned slightly at the other.

“Let me ask you something. This has been going on for a while now hasn’t it?” He paused as Mason shrugged and nodded yes. “Probably too long.” but that was neither here nor there at this point. It didn’t stop Mason from pouting a bit at the statement though. “Tell me this, because I swear, for the life of me I can’t seem to figure it out.” Their eyes met as he paused for just a second before speaking again. “How the fuck is this supposed to fix you? Far as I can tell it hasn’t worked once. You always go back to the drugs, and you continue to fuck up your life and the lives of everyone else around you.”

“I don’t know.” He stated. That seemed to be his fall back answer to everything that made his brain hurt a little bit when trying to process something of that magnitude. When Rube frowned at him however, he shrugged again. “I don’t-” He sighed. “Look.” Mason locked his eyes with Rube, bloodshot as they were, his gaze stayed put. “It’s like… Its like a temporary fix.” He explained himself the best he could. “Like with a computer. When shit goes wrong with it to the point where its about to crash for good, you give it a quick system restore, a reset, and all is well for a while.” He didn’t really expect Rube to understand. The man knew next to nothing about computers. “I need a reset Rube.” He told him, voice falling back into being pathetic. Everything, well, close to everything that was wrong with him he did to himself and he knew that. He knew Rube knew that. But he hoped Rube also knew how much he needed a break from it all, no matter how short of a break it was.

Rube felt bad for the idiot. He really did. And so, with a sigh, just like every other time, he reached a hand out, placing it on the small of Mason’s back and pulled the other reaper against him. He heard a small thank you issue from the other’s mouth just before his own found their place against it. Quickly as it had all began, clothes began coming off. Pushing his chest against Rube’s Mason slipped out of his wet jacket tossing it to the floor never letting his mouth leave the other man’s in the process. Their kisses at this point were just as much a sharing of air as they were actual kisses.

Mason’s fingers slipped underneath Rube’s sweater pushing it up and over his head, their mouth untangling for only a moment before they crashed back together. Slipping out of his own t-shirt as well, Mason nearly groaned at the lack of contact until his lips were back against the older reaper’s. Fingers and hands became a blur as they hit and bumped off each other in the pursuit of getting each other’s pants off while also stumbling back towards the bed refusing to let the other’s lips fall more than a centimeter or two away at any given point. Mason was finally out of his clothes when Rube pushed him back onto the bed. At that, a small smile curved its way onto Mason’s features.

“Someone’s forceful today.” He joked, but didn’t have much time to laugh about it, because soon enough the other man was on top of him. Bare skin was pressed against bare skin, and Mason couldn’t help but let a moan slip past his lips that was soon muffled by a mouth on his. Tongue’s battled for dominance until Mason finally relented without that much of a struggle. He knew that he wanted Rube to have the power. That was how it always had been with them, and it was something he needed in these dark times.

“Someone’s submissive today.” Rube countered with a half smirk half smile. That wasn’t a surprise either. It was just the way they were together. To that comment, Mason just shrugged before licking his lips, panting just a bit from how turned on he was at that point.

“Rube, do you think that maybe you could-” He swallowed before continuing. “Do you think that maybe you could do it like- , like last time?” He asked, a small blush creeping into his cheeks as he waited with bated breath for an answer. Rube raised an eyebrow.

“I’m surprised you actually remember what it was like last time.” Rube said as he leaned in to press his lips against Mason’s neck, finding himself unable to stay away from the other for long.

“Hey!” Mason protested, but still allowed Rube’s lips free access to the areas they were currently exploring. “I was a little wasted, that’s no cause to be mean.”

“A little?” Rube laughed against the soft flesh of Mason’s neck. “I could barely understand you, which I guess doesn’t really say a lot for me, so consider the conversation dropped.” Mason smirked at this but didn’t pester it any further. He was too interested in what was to come, to delay it any longer. A moan issued from his lips at the gentle nip coming from the older man.

“God…Rube please…like last time?” He breathed out. “I’ve thought about it a lot.” He admitted breathily. “It felt so good.” He was making himself hard just thinking about it. Rube paused a moment to smile softly. If Mason really did need this as badly as he said he did, and if it helped him for any amount of time at all like he said it did, Rube was willing to give him whatever he wanted during their time together. Carefully, he nodded.

“Roll over onto your stomach.” He spoke into Mason’s ear. Mason’s eyes fell closed and he moaned at the realization that he was going to get what he wanted. As Rube sat back, he quickly scrambled to meet the request. When his stomach was flat against the bed he rested his cheek against the comforter. His body was tingling with anticipation at this. Eyes closed, he listened to Rube exit the room a moment to fetch the lubricant most likely and his breath hitched when he felt the bed shift with the weight of Rube’s return. He tried to keep his breathing steady as the other man slowly lowered himself down on top of him from behind. “This might hurt a little bit.” He spoke gently against Mason’s ear as he spread the other’s legs apart just a little.

“I don’t care.” Mason told him honestly. He wanted it to hurt just like it did the time before this. The pain felt amazing. Somehow it became more than pain and molded into pleasure for him. “I want it,” he strained the words out as he felt the other man position himself. This was it. God, he had waited a whole year for this, why had he waited a whole year? As Rube pushed inside of him slowly, his lips parted, and his features were caught in a silent cry. It was better than he remembered. “God yes…Rube…ah~” He moaned out the words as he clutched at the blanket by his head. Pleasure was his. He managed a small smile as he heard Rube moan as well. They both enjoyed this. He knew they did.

Breathing was shaky at best between the both of them as the older reaper began to move in and out of the other man at a steady pace. It had been too long for both of them, and their moans were already at heightened volumes. Rube wasn’t really so much of a talker in bed as Mason was. But Rube liked that, it gave him encouragement, and let him know that he was doing something right. Mason’s back arched, pushing himself up towards Rube so that he could help with the rhythm a little bit. But it was hard when he was being paralyzed by the pleasure shooting through every part of his body.

“Jesus…fuckin’… Christ.” The words came out choppy, and almost incoherent as Rube picked up speed inside of him. The feel of the other’s weight on top of him, mixed with the moans coming from Rube’s mouth and filtering directly into his ear made it hard for the pressure in his abdomen not to start building already. He could feel it. His breathing was becoming more labored, and heavy by the second.

“You gonna go already?” Rube’s gruff voice hit his ear and made him moan loudly.

“Ah- God,I can’t help it.” His voice did the apologizing for him. But Rube wasn’t mad. Hell, he was probably as close as Mason was at that point. It was what happened when you didn’t get any action for over a year. “Can you…do it harder?” He managed to get the request out barely, but before it had even fully left his lips, Rube was complying. Mason’s knuckles were white now as he clutched at the blanket entwined in his fingers. “Ah- fuck- so good. So…mm- Fuck, God yes…Rube.” And from there it was just a string of the other man’s name mixed with a pleasure that was incomparable to anything he had ever felt in his life, or death for that matter.

Rube wasn’t far behind. The moment that he felt the other man’s muscles tighten around him, and heard the sounds that came out of his mouth. It was too much, and it sent him over the edge with a deep throaty moan; a sound that Mason had been dying to hear again for over a year now. A smile came to the young reapers lips as it rang in his ears. Mason licked his lips and rolled over onto his back, once Rube had moved from on top of him. They both lay there panting, and staring at the ceiling. They both knew that the silence would have to be broken at some point, and of course Mason was the one who was up for the challenge. With a smirk on his features he turned his head to look at the older man.

“Happy Anniversary.” He said with a little laugh. And that was when Rube realized that, that was exactly what this was. Some kind of fucked up anniversary.

character: mason, - fanfiction -, [pov]: third person, [length]: non-serial, character: rube, pair: [slash], pair: mason/rube, › by: ›one-time poster, [rating]: ›ma

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