It's Official: The Vampire Diaries Sucks Blood

Jan 24, 2016 14:04

Remember when I said I was so in love with The Originals, that I was willing to sacrifice my disdain for The Vampire Diaries -- which was just an assumption my part, that I would hate the show -- just to get all the back story on the Mikaelsons? Haley too, while I'm at it? Klaus and Elijah were in just soooo many TVD episodes, it seemed like it would be weeks of torture to get through it all, but at least I didn't need to go any further than the last episode they were each in. Well, this snowy weekend, I bit the bullet. I finished watching them all. Well, but all but one more. I fast forwarded through as much as I could, but Klaus and Rebecca in particular were so engrained in so many eps, I was watching more than I was fast forwarding. But I did it. I nearly drained ever last drop of them from the show.

I had read somewhere that you really didn't have to watch even the backdoor pilot to enjoy The Originals, which is true given that they are a lot of the same scenes, but you get some different angles in the premiere than you saw in the backdoor pilot, so I do think it helps to at least watch that first, which I had. But you can't get the depth that explains Klaus' connection with Caroline, his obsession with his hybrids, even the night he and Haley conceived their kid without watching all the other eps. Not required viewing, no. But a little icing on the cake to make it all taste that much better? Absolutely.

Unfortunately, that icing is laced with vervain.

Seriously, I don't think I can care less for anyone else as much I don't care for Elena Gilbert. I should feel an instant connection to her because her fictitious last name is my real life maiden name and as any real life Gilbert can tell you, we're a small group. You don't run into too may other non-relative Gilberts, for some reason. But that couldn't redeem her in my eyes. This chick is super annoying, ridiculously naive and just plain whiney, in my book. When she really did whine and break down over all her losses before turning off her humanity, I wished I could leap through the TV, steal her daylight ring and take her on a stroll on the beach while the sun rose. My gawd that chick is a migraine. It's not that she shouldn't be sad, but I wasn't liking her already and that just made me want to strangle her.

And her friend Caroline kinda gets under my skin too with her super moralistic viewpoints and her weird attraction to that odd Tyler dude. I am biased, I know. I probably even have a little thing for the bad boys myself, but Tyler over Klaus? Yeah, yeah, he's homicidal, but he's got a lot more to offer and he's just more interesting. And how they treat Rebekah made me want to bury someone alive. That girl reeks of loneliness. It take no effort at all to befriend her. Yeah, she'll snap your neck if she thinks she can't trust you, but then just don't betray her, ok? Seems like a simple request between friends. Elena, I'm talking to you. All of the Original Family trumps the broodlng teen-age lot over on TVD. Well, let me take that back. Because one of the other things about the show that pissed me off was the treatment of Damon.

OK, so he was less than a draw for me in the beginning. I see him as the ok-looking dude Ian with the ever-widening blue eyes and who is constantly up against my precious Jensen Ackles in all these silly fan polls. (Seriously, SPN fans. How y'all gonna keep letting Ian win those things?) At the moment, I see Ian as possibly a one-trick, albeit sorta pretty, pony. He widens those yes at you, strolls his skinny stroll (he's a tad too lean for my taste) and keeps his hair a little on the wide side, but can he really pull off being different characters ina believable manner? I'm not seeing it yet. Prove me wrong. I'm open to it. But as I continued to watch, it began to grate on my nerves how people kept dismissing Damon as worthy of any kind of real love and affection. They talk to him like he's some kind of side kick they all have to tolerate for the sake of selfless saint Stefan. You all loved Alaric, right? And he saw something redeemable in Damon, so why not follow his lead? True, I dove into this whole thing in season 2 where Elijah came on the scene, so I didn't watch all the history and maybe none of whatever they showed in the first season that's supposed to make me think Damon is the bad boy you only love to hate. But I already told you my affinity for the bad boys. As I watched them continuously try to make him doubt himself, relentlessly repeating as a group the mantra that Elena (SPOILER ALERT!) was just bonded to him because he was her sire and how could she possibily really love him, I just grew angrier over how they treated him and happy whenever they failed in all the self-righteous efforts they made to have things their way. (If you haven't seen this show yet and you want to, ANOTHER MAJOR SPOILER COMING NEXT.) So, after watching a few seasons of that drivel, it pleased me to no end at the end of season 4 - even though I loathe Elena - when Damon got the girl. You deserve to be happy, Damon. Even if it is with an underage high school cheerleader who drinks a lot.

As of now, there is one episode left. The last one in season 5 that Klaus and Elijah are in. I'm not sure about Rebecca yet, but I'll look her up on IMDB too so I can see where her story ends with them. Klaus is going back for an episode in the current season. I know that much. I don't know if it's for just one episode or not, though. I had heard there would be a crossover ep. Maybe that's the one. At least I can understand the history of it all now. (ANOTHER SPOILER COMING UP!) Klaus told Caroline on her graduation that he'd let her have her first love, Tyler. But he intended to be her last one. Come on. That's sweet, if not a little stalkerish! Yeah, yeah. My adoration for the dark ones is showing. But I do wonder if Klaus and Caroline will ever be together. I ain't thrilled with Caroline, but like Damon, I just want Klaus to be happy. He soooo deserves to finally feel loved and be content, and I do hope he can finally get that with (ORIGINALS SPOILER COMING!) his daughter. Kinda depressing how unloved so many of these characters feel. Strike one against ever becoming a vampire, huh? And that whole blood thing. Nasty. Strike two.

I'm gonna go fix my son something to eat then watch that last ep. And ok, I AM a little curious about (YET ANOTHER SPOILER!) Silas' reign in Mystic Falls and will Stefan get out of that safe? So yeah, I may fast forward through a little more of some of other eps. But don't get me wrong. I think the show, overall, is insipid. The characters are pretentious. I know they need to keep repeating their mistakes in order to keep the show going, but Bonnie the super witch got hers when she thought she could do whatever she wanted. The only reason to keep watching this show is to see them all - except Damon - fall and fail in hopefully an epic way. I feel villainy. Must be Klaus' influence.


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