Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score CategoryYour ScoreAverageHacklust77.36%
Enjoys the occasional head-lopping52.5% Sensitive Roleplaying79.75%
Will talk after everyone important's been killed 48.9%GM Experience89.13%
"Um... You guys are in a 10'x10' room..." 65.6% Systems Knowledge95.48%
Played in a couple of campaigns 88.3% Livin' La Vida Dorka82.76%
Nobody at work would ever suspect58.1% You are 85.71% pure
Average Score: 65.5%
Take The Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Test
and see how you match up! ...and got disgustingly high scores. Thanks to
maliszew for the link. Of course, he works in the industry. Fah, I could have gotten at least one under a 60. Guess I'll go home and play with my dice.