Sep 04, 2011 14:53
I have always considered, when the Bible says that God created the world, that He created all space and time. And therefore He exists outside of both. I think that His name reflects this as does Jesus' statement of 'Before Moses was, I am.' Depsite standing there talking to the Jews, He also exists before Moses was around at the same instance.
What struck me today was that, when we do what we know is wrong, Jesus is not only with us at that moment, but He is also on the cross with nails in His hands dying for our sins. He isn't dying for some sin we might be committing in the future. All moments are really NOW for Him. He is up there dying for our acts as they are occurring. Dying knowing what we are doing, as we are doing. Dying in spite of all that.
So when He says, 'Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.', He is not just necessarily talking about the crowd mocking Him at His feet...