Jul 03, 2008 19:47
Not that I'm going to use it, but I just came across the edition changes listed in Wikipedia. I thought this was particularly odd: Alignments are now limited to Good, Lawful Good, Evil, Chaotic Evil, and Unaligned. The impact of alignment on actual game mechanics has been essentially eliminated. Why not just Good, Unaligned, and Evil? Or, more old school, Law, Unaligned, Chaos? Or the best of both worlds, LG, U, CE? I could actually get behind those, since most campaigns seem to focus on just one axis anyway. Or just drop all description of it if it has been essentially eliminated? Just bizarre.
Oh, that and the new business model of there aren't just the three core books. There will be multiple versions of each and all of them together are core!
Edit:Concerning alignment, I was considering them keeping the double axis chart, but removing five of the alignments, leaving this double pie wedge thing. If you rearrange the order above to LG, G, U, E, CE, you actually can turn it into a nice single axis system and the words Lawful and Chaotic just are alternate forms of Very. I'M BEYOND EVIL, I'M CHAOTIC EVIL!!! . Still stupid, but a bit more workable.