of wheter or not the Amercan teaching institution in the realm of scientifc inquiry will either fall flat on its face or continue down the path its already treading. In some sense the scientific thoughts of America's future minds are being determined today.
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8172 *VENTING Begin*
It still boggles my mind how ID is suppose to be science. What can it possible predict? How can ID theory possible evolve or explain when greater complexity is discovered? What the hell does complex mean anyway? How is it that ID's first principles directly explain all that we see? Is the only principle complexity? What are its first principles?
I wont deny ID's right to be a scientific hypothesis. But it can be no more than a hypothesis and therefore does not meet the requirements of the scientific method!!!! Honestly though...what does ID have over the flying spaghetti monster?
I would really like to meet someone who believes in ID and is also a scientist. During that Veritas forum I remember this duke graduate who was a physicist pitching for ID. His presentation and argument was filled with more holes than an old pair of underwear. Not only that it was apparent by his demenour he was high. High on religion. You know what type of person I talk about. Its so easy to spot them in crowds and in groups. He also left promptly after his presentation. I had some questions for him. Ill assume that he had places to go.
Im sorry. I still cannot except ID as theory separate from Christianity. I am sure if you ask all ID propenents who this designer is they will say God.
And what the hell does this mean, " “ID relies on observable, empirical and physical evidence from nature, and logical inferences,” Where are the papers? Where are the ID departments? Where are the ID faculty? Where is ID funding? Who would fund it? WHERE THE FUCK ARE SOME DAMN PREDICTIONS? How come I cant find any ID papers
http://xxx.lanl.gov/ ? There is quantitative bio section. If ID is empirical I WANT SOME PAPERS. I want ID to explain the appearnce of Homo Habilis. Oh wait you cant without sounding like idiots and being hypocrits
http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/a_habilis.html Is there anyone out there who believes in ID theory that is not Christian? Id argue no such person would exist.
ID IS NOT AND CANNOT BE SCIENCE. I am almost driven to explicitly argue this, but I dont know much about ID beyond a three sentence paragraph and handpicked examples.
I WANT SOMEONE TO GO UP TO A BORED START WITH ID and explain why I am here WITHOUT turning it into a theology class....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
God forbid this ruling goes in favor of ID. if it does I wont be living in this country after 20 years in the AF if not sooner. I better start learning chinese/japanese/and korean.
Sometimes I wish the US would come out and say, "aiight we are going to turn the US into a Christian State...if you arent christian get out so we can invade your country....bitches"
Is it me or is saying that God is responsible for complexity just a cop out? I would find it more sound if all these ID folks first started explaining complexity independent of God and then conclude with evidence and first principles that God was indeed behind it. Oh but wait...their faith wont allow it...sigh....
explain this ID:
http://www.physorg.com/news7320.html *VENTING end*
(Sorry to all my Hardcore Christian friends...i am just incredibly bitter right now)