ugh, I hate making public posts but I have no choice this needs to be said so fuck it! XD!
So I sat down next to
jenniebellie and
abydosww and some of the other people I've met @ Chicago/etc and we were all like "Oh....lookit that....fungus. lol!" and looked around the table. I think we were all wondering when we were to dig in, but I think we were all going to wait for the I had seen this girl walking around before, and I just didn't know what to make of her. She was pretty, but talked like a drunk Britney Spears and her eyes were very glossy and she swayed back n' forth a lot. I've experienced this before with was someone that was on a shitload of pain meds and they were in a kind of blackout stage...and when I saw her with her cocktail....and that she was ALSO sitting next to where Chad was going to sit...I got really worried. I think my first thought was that she might throw up on him... :/!
Well Kristy txt'ed me 'cause she needed to give Katie her cell ((Katie was with Gabriel!)) and I had to get up and deliver the message. When I returned, I exclaimed that everyone needed me @ once and laughed and then...oh shit...hi Chad. O_o! TOTALLY didn't notice him sitting there! lol! I didn't know if I interrupted anything but I just sat there quiet for a bit till my face's color toned down.
So then the conversations started up and we were all talking about both ourselves and himself equally. Pretty much all of us started to pick out the mushrooms outta our salads 'cause we were all like ewwwwww gross! Even Chad, so hey, mental note people! lol! He made a comment that at least the dressing was good. heh! Then the main course came up and he just picked @ it. Now one of two things....maybe three, could have been going on here. 1- he was telling the truth that he just ate subway and wasn't hungry, 2- Micah was making him feel super uncomfortable and he lost his appetite, or 3- all of the above.
SERIOUSLY! This girl needed a leash! >_O! She was all over him....O_o She would pat him, pet him, huggle him, point @ things on him, grab him, etc etc. We just were like....omg....O_____O! Then the questions started. I only remember a few 'cause, honestly, I tried to tune her out and focused my attention on Chad, the Irish gals, or the poor sweet girl that sat in btw me and Micah...((whoever you are, no shit dude, let me know who you are. I want to mail you cookies or brownies or something! ;3;~!!)):
Micah: "So are you married?"
Chad: -_- "No, actually I have a girlfriend"
**somethingsomething-I strayed off from listening 'cause I was whispering to everyone else OMFG NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! >_O! SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP!!**
Chad: "I think you need some time to figure out if they're the one, you know? And then you'll know" ((assuming he was talking about marriage))
Now this next one apparently only I heard. She mumbled it out and then Chad laughed so I assumed he was being super cool and totally ignoring her. I talked to Chad about it later in the Green Room on Sunday and he confirmed that no, he did not hear this question, and his jaw hit the floor, eyes wide, the whole package. If I knew that he didn't hear it, I wouldn't had said anything, but he just rolled his eyes to it. Sad that you could expect this from someone.
Micah: "So, when did you lose your virginity?"
Chad: **laugh/pays attention to the woman on the other side of him that was actually asking REAL questions ((thank you for that! XD;!))**
and then of course:
Micah: "Whats that?" **points to angular ribbon tattoo on the underside of his right forearm**
Chad: "It's for breast cancer"
Micah: "But you're a guy!"
rest of us: -___________________-
Chad: " mom had breast cancer, and when we were all told she was going to be ok, we all got these tattoos for her"
rest of us: "awwwwwwww!!"
Micah: **not registering**
Then there was the occasional times she'd up and get another drink and someone from the Peanut Gallery table thought we wouldn't of minded her sitting in her chair while she was gone and we were all like "OH NO! PLEASE! MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME! XD!". We started to finally smile and have a good time w/ Chad and then, sure enough, Micah starts to trot back and the girl was like "Oop! I better move outta the way!" and Chad was like "Yeah you BETTER!". lol. Oh god. But then I guess the staff got a clue and had him switch tables. Micah became REALLY antsy and kept trying to stare @ him but
jenniebellie and
abydosww kept moving into her view and I about died.
Then Dizzy came in and told us that the Plat. Party was about to start so to get over there if we wanted to go, so I took my leave. Once we got there, I wanted to keep near the guests ((of course)) and plus since GH3 was there, I wanted to see if anyone was going to play. Plus I think I still had a pin in my hand to give to someone so I was doing that, too. lol! But yeah, I found myself behind Chad, Gabriel and his friend. They were all talking and then Micah went up to me ((she recognized me from the dinner, I'm guessing)) and she was peering @ Gabriel's ass. She then told me "You think I could grab his ass? I want to, mmmm, it's so sexy!"- ((something like this, mind you it was very slurred)), and I replied "I wouldn't recommend that". She still eyed it, though.
Then Gabriel started a Chad chant and he went up on stage and played GH3 with a fan. Then Gabriel's friend started to push him up on the stage to play Chad and so did a lot of his fans. I on the other hand, as well as a few others, were gettin' him outta the way of Micah's hands...((he thanked me for this later on Sunday)). Then after that awesome sauce, Micah approached Chad and asked him for his cell phone number or something along his phone. He laughed and said "Maybe later" and went back to talking to Gabriel. Well, I guess she didn't want to wait, so she started to peer around his backside and I guess tried to reach for like...all over...trying to search for it. Now I was not here for this, but Chad told me about it on Sunday, but she then smacked his ass REALLY hard and Chad spun around and then thought she might have tried to snag his POLICE hat ((edited duuur it was the one he was bad!!)) and he said that he just chewed her out. That's when Yvette came in and escorted him out.
Chad said that she did apologize to him, but he agreed that she just didn't seem to understand that what she did/was doing was wrong. We all wanted to feel bad for her, but she made it rather difficult. The staff also told me that on Sunday the reason why she cut in front of the autographs and the photos was 'cause they wanted her to get what she paid for but get in and get out. She lost her con privileges and was escorted EVERYWHERE and after she was done with everything she was not to enter another room again for the rest of the day. She could wander the hotel, but not to be in any room where a con event was going on...especially if Chad was in there.
~*~THE END!~*~