
Mar 21, 2010 21:43

So tonight I arranges a bit of a tasting with a few friends, one of whom couldn't make it due to bronchitis (hopefully, he will be better soon).  The goal was to winnow down my 9 beers from last season's schedule into 5 which I can enter into our local competition (there's a 5-entry limit this year).

Overall, it was both useful and a lot of fun.  I got a lot of great feedback, completely unvarnished (well, they were a little shellacked toward the end there).  Some confirmed my suspicions, and some were surprises, but I now have the 5 entries planned for the contest.

I'm also working on this year's schedule (I'm late) and need to place a large grain order.  I wonder how many amateurs order 110 pounds of the same grain at one time.


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