
Nov 25, 2009 08:58


““If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.”” -Marilyn Monroe

I hate spam, but not this much.

I suck at keeping meetings with friends. I blame sloth... and a very nicely worked in couch.... and not getting vacation days like I wanted... but mostly sloth.

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This video is titled DNFWM - Do not fuck with me. Nooooo joke.

How I'm doing/Main Topic:

omero and Aragon families alike both eat Thanksgiving Dinner at NOON and then continue to graze for the remainder of the day. The Taipalus family, however, does not eat until 5pm usually. So when asking when we'll be telling everyone to come over, BJ ALMOST tried to pull a guilt trip:
We eat at noon!
So you're just gonna just piss on US?
Yes, yes I am.
(called my mother who promptly confirmed noon dinner time but also added admonishes at the THOUGHT of waiting until 5pm to eat.)

We have compromised for 2pm. BJ THINKS that is the equivalent to "when his game ends" but he's got another thought comin'.

And so begins the love and joy and fighting and hubbub of Thanksgiving Weekend 2009.




I am thankful for...
... small worries
... friends who keep in touch much better than myself
... puppies who have "sitting statuesque" somewhere in their blood.
... kitties who never ever refuse to learn what to leave alone.
... an early release from work to go catch up on things I've been neglecting.

inspiration, thankful, daily, random

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