"About six months ago, the president said to me, 'Well, at least I make strong decisions, I lead.' I said, 'Mr. President, look behind you. Leaders have followers. No one's following. Nobody.'"
--- Joseph Biden, Rolling Stone magazine, June 2004
brought salad to eat and the bag was all slimy and wilted, gross... ate the tomato and chicken breast with a Fiber One bar and some fruit at the All Hands meeting instead.
Had over 300 things to review in Google Reader today... it's enough to bring on a nervous breakdown.
Cereal Box into a gift box Who is Joe Biden? Weekend Money Issues:
$175 = sprinklers in back yard and one in front. Verizon, before I moved in, poked a hole in the backyard's PVC... as soon as it was fixed the whole zone had more pressure and I had another sprinkler head mysteriously show up! Guy was awesome, our age and took a look at my trees in front and said not to worry for another season or so.
$250 = house cutoff box had leaks that were filling up the box and spilling over into the lawn making is a miniature swampland. Cut out both valves and actually sautered the connections this time! Guy was nice but an oversharer...
Sunday morning early, got a call from Wells Fargo... someone was trying to charge on my cc. Cancelled card and have hold on it until the new one comes in. Hoping that Verizon, AT&T Mobile and all the others I have autopay off of it don't come asking for their money for a few days.
Wii/Enchilada/Cheesecake night went off fabulously... got a kiss during a moment that night that I can only assume was appreciation for my excellent taste in friends. Had a blast but am very worried that given time and practice, Mario will kick all our butts on all things Wii... he caught up FAST on some of those games! I may have to go home and practice my boxing before an entire night devoted to sewing.
How I'm doing/Main Topic: ... Evaluation based on Dating Rules from --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Moved the tv cabinets around, found a great new coffee table at a garage sale for $40!
Sprinklers, tree = FIXED
Oncall time until early October = DONE
Dress = needed: one sleeve and bottom hem
Purses for show= One 80%, One 50%... would like to try installing zipper as a test for J's purse.
Pants need zipper, waistline and bottom hems
Need to start shirt - buy fabric?
I am thankful for...