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Every word you say I think
I should write down,
I don't want to forget come daylight.
Happy to lay here
just happy to be here
I'm happy to know you.
Paperweight by Schuyler Fisk feat. Joshua Radin Randoms:
Do you have an alibi? "And globally, the 30th parallel, north or south, is an inhospitable place to be - like North Texas today when the high temperature was expected to hit triple digits again.
“If you look around the globe at 30 degrees latitude, mostly what you see is desert,” said Dr. Kenneth Bowman, head of the Department of Atmospheric Studies at Texas A&M University.
The meteorological process is called a Hadley Cell: The equator’s heat forces moist air to rise, and it spreads toward the poles because of Earth’s rotation. The moisture falls as rain over the tropics, and the suddenly dry air begins to sink around the 30th parallels.
In the Texas summer, though, the effect of the Hadley Cell pushes farther north and takes the storm track with it.
“Most summers here, we don’t see a cold frontal passage in July or August. It’s hard to fight that large-scale high pressure,” Dr. Bowman said."
Why is it so darn hot in Texas, DMN
Things to do around house:
Change tomato cages.
Fertilize roses.
Deadhead roses
Trim bushes
Trim small front trees.
Start getting estimates for front trees.
Mow both lawns.
Put in childproof/Libbyproof locks on bathroom cabinets
Finish project that's lying on the floor
COUPONS, Walgreens, WalMart, Target and CVS run.
Restart table projects.
Avoid Wii.
Measure cabinets to have measurements next time drive by container store (cabinet insert drawers :-D)
Evaluate prices on Ebay auctions for tickets.
Swap tv stands.
How I'm doing/Main Topic: Project Make
So... quick recap. Make has moved to the Bishop Arts District from the cuteness of Uptown to scary scary Bishop Arts District. Hot HOT room with 13 other people for four hours. Do not much care for the instructor or the first challenge, but I do like a few of the girls (and one man) taking the class. Brought the thread and skirt home to work on a bit. Supposed to create a skirt based on a local designer's work that involves a lot of pleates and roughing... I'll work some on it tonight as my skirt is currently pretty plain. All different skill levels in a class that is too full with a teacher that is rude with a thin layer of fake-nice to soften the blow. Apparently I "took out the engine to replace the battery" when redoing the bobbin. So glad that was announced loudly to the class. Girl next to me was told when she asked for help that since she was brand new it was probably user error and not that the machine was broken. Also: I want a computerized Brother machine. :-(
Next time: going to dye our muslin skirts while starting the next challenge.
Yeah! Vanessa's interested in the baseball themed twin bed I got from
briantxYeah! Got $100 from Luis for Baltimore tickets.
Picked up Wingback chairs (Libby has already claimed them as her own), cute baseball twin bed, tv stand and two dressers (BJ doesn't like the dressers).
Learned how to sew a zipper.
Learned how NOT to lose my thread every time I start a new line of sewing (You and "the worm head" need to be looking at eat other and then you need to "take a drink" ... if One "drink" doesn't do it, take another... no such thing as "too many drinks".... sigh...)
Going to try and add to the skirt tonight... be creative and not worry too much what failure might look like.
5 boxes of comics inventoried, protected, labeled, and price evaluated...
7 more boxes to go. The man has spent
a betta's lifetime worth of time working on this collection. I cannot fathom what kind of animal lifetime the baseball cards took to amass. Spent all day Saturday (about 6 hours) and another 1 or 2 hours on Sunday getting through those 5 boxes... about 600 comics' prices looked up and made sure the baggie was closed. Thank God they were already pretty well organized.
Cannot get out of the house on time.... same for getting up in general.
Gave in to Sonic... complete with tots, cheese and mozzarella sticks :-(
I really really REALLY hate tonsiliths.
I am thankful for...
... more chances to make money off of remaining Cowboys tickets, but sad that Jared won't be coming for Giants game.