What Martin Luther King Jr. said about
epic struggles in the political arena is also apt for you in your private life,
especially now: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do
that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." I recommend
that you translate his advice into the intimate details of your
relationships. If you really do that with the irresistible force of your
burning conviction, you will prove another one of King's excellent
thoughts: "Unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word
in reality." -
droybal's horoscope
graph humor and song chart memes
graph humor and song chart memes Click to view
Tips for REALLY Helping a Person with Diabetes Reading High Fidelity
Make your own stamps Coupon Articles: super busy end of month craziness.
Redwings win Stanley Cup! Guess who's gonna be happy tonight! ;-)
CVS, Kroger, GardenRidge and Walgreens coupon craziness expected this weekend.
How I'm doing/Main Topic: Why Yesterday was super awesome...
Things that made yesterday awesome:
Was busy productive and successful during all the End of Month Hooplah to help Settlement Close :-).
Finished finding a solution in the last ten minutes before I had to leave for a half day of doctor appointments.
Dentist always says how awesome my teeth are and how well I brush. I do not brush well, just have good strong teeth genes.
Happiest non holiday days of the year: Dentist teeth cleaning visits: HAPPY SHINY SQUEAKY TEETH!!!!
Jack in the Box Pita stuffed down throat as I was already 15 minutes late to Diabetic Educator appointment was both filling (probably healthier than most of the menu) and ... like... tomato-y fresh!
Diabetic Educator was especially generous in both free stuff and guilt trips:
Things to do:
- Try fish
- Test more!
- Cook veggies as my starches
- Cut out cheese (again, sigh)
- Cut out nuts (again, sigh)
- Lose 6 lbs I put on in the past 6 months.
Things I got:
- Free new super awesome AccuCheck Compact Blood Sugar Monitor
- Free Testing Strips
- Meal ideas
- Carb Counter Book
- Thingie to download my blood sugar results to computer and make awesome graphs with... (oh hells yeah. is super secret stash give away... only super awesome techie diabetics get THOSE... and one of the educators is computer retarded so she doesn't use it anyhow.)
Drive to Euless/North East Mall was not bad until 183!
Pipeline Drive detour to avoid some of 183 horrid traffic
Ghengis Grill! No... I will not try to capture the happiness that GG invokes.
SEX and the City was everything I hoped it would be and more! I'll totally go again, and seriously!? that's rare.
Maria Elena had Baby Elijah on Thursday... No meds ack.
I almost rammed a guy about 3 times on I-35 today before I realized he had no brake lights.
I am thankful for...
... Maria Elena's call... meant a lot to get the notification!