
Mar 07, 2008 12:57

Jared made it into the Albuquerque Police Academy!!!!

I don't know who droybal wants to punch in the ovaries, but really? Ovaries?

Main Topic: Yesterday

So... car needed to be taken in to Freeman ONCE again to get the remote start and I had a leak somewhere in the transmission lines. Took it in by 11 and by 12:30 or so dealt with the slowness of getting a rental car (paid by them) and started making my way to Fort Worth. There was concern that it was really bad in FW already and my boss tried to disuade me, but you know me and how I get when I have some activities I put off so long that it makes me antsy. Got to downtown fort worth court house or whatever it's called by 1:30, called boss and pretended I was just getting the rental car. At that point she said to just go straight home. So that's what I did... after I picked up stuff at my apartment, picked up yarn at the FW yarn store, and bought Subway from Subway guy. Subway guy was nice and kept trying to take a break but I'm done reading more into it than he's simply a nice guy. Especially since I'm too chicken to give him my number or even really start a conversation. Started the drive home. I really didn't think the roads were so bad as to warrant 10mph through Euless, but that is what I dealt with. Radio played Let it Snow, Winter Wonderland, Baby It's Cold Outside and Frosty the Snowman. Hilarious... I loved it. In Euless it wasn't just snowing snowflakes, it was snowing huge soft snow ... sheets. Got to PGBT and Valley View before I had to pull over to use the restroom and found B.B. bop rice bowl... like Freebird's but with rice bowl. Got the special rice, chicken, 4 veggies, tomatillo sauce and a drink and 15 minutes later I was home to take out my trash (following my neighbor's lead), get all the baby shower presents ready and together and watch a movie for the rest of the night.

Got ticket taken care of.
Picked up present from apartment.
Got yarn I didn't need after all because I'd finished the presents... used cute beads instead of buttons on one of them.
Put trash out, whoohoo!

Stomach hurty... maybe be BREAKFAST BURRITO (-egg) that I got this morning! whooo

I am thankful for...
... brothers who strive for their goals.
... the store downstairs.
... Libby's who cuddle.
... Desperados tonight!

inspiration, thankful, daily, random

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