When I am getting ready to reason with a man, I spend one-third of my time thinking about myself and what I am going to say and two-thirds about him and what he is going to say.
Abraham Lincoln Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure.
Abraham Lincoln Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.
Abraham Lincoln Avoid popularity if you would have peace.
Abraham Lincoln I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.
Abraham Lincoln If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?
Abraham Lincoln It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
Abraham Lincoln ... and
a story that uses A.L.'s quote to tie it all in...
Supercook to help you save money on Grocery bill Dream remembered: Got pulled over or had some fine of some sort... Inside my head I was broke but I looked in my wallet and had all this money in the secret compartments. Was still sad that I had to use it to bribe the officer and pay off the fine.
Because I'm at the old office, I just finished watching a video of Jeff W. and Charles K. presenting the All Hands Meeting... Jeff W. is a douche.
I don't know if I'm sexy-hot today or what but at lunch doing all my errands I kept getting looks. It started at the Loew's and kept going through picking up lunch. It COULD be that I was so productive doing errands that it showed :-D.
A classmate during high school just died of Hepatitis C was retarded earlier... sue me. Psoriasis and cirhosis kinda sound the same and both have relations to the liver.)
Kristi Ullibarri (BHS, Class of '98) just moved to DFW in the past 6 months.
netty2 and I were talking about people and it reminded me that I hadn't mentioned it to her yet. Texted Kristi and she had news: She just bought a house in Carrollton... I swear: she lives .5 miles west of my house.
Leslie texts me on Saturday...
Hey do you know a ruben diaz?
me: I think so. I knew a ruben in college
Les: yeah he says he knows you. he thought i was you. it's my friend javi's nephew
me: tell him hi
Les: he said hi. did youguys have the same classes or what?
me: yeah... he was in bcs with me. Tell him that I still talk to
Les: what about aitp? he said
me: Yup :-)
lesnmor: so did you know ruben (diaz) pretty good
Sent at 11:10 AM on Monday
me: meh. I mean, kinda
why did you hit it last night?
lesnmor: no shut up, hes cute though
me: yeah he is you should hit it
lesnmor: shut up
me: HA
lesnmor: we might be going up to denver in a couple of weeks
me: ... and then you'll hit it there?
lesnmor: we will hang out with him if we do
me: cool
lesnmor: yeah hes a fun guy
me: he was always really nice
lesnmor: yeah hes cool. i have met him before but this time he said i looked like you
me: :-) you should be flattered
lesnmor: shut up
me: hahahahah
How I'm doing/Main Topic:
Dear Darice ,
Congratulations! We’re very happy to inform you that your home loan is fully approved! I now look forward to a smooth closing.
stareyedpunk print that I sold her.
Put in
netty2's and another check into the bank.
Dropped off clothes at the goodwill drop off.
Picked up a dryer kit, some new pan thingies for the range oven, some felt casters like the mover asked, rechargable batteries, something to use as a keyholder since my other one broke, some numbers for the mailbox at Loew's.
I ate a greasy hamburger for lunch. sooooo goood. Has everything to do with doing so many errands and a good blood glucose number this morning (113)
I am thankful for...
... Spinach bacon dip... yum
... rainy days.
... my widdle pretty car.
... mom
jkgmba for finding a great tip for cheaper refrigerators!!!! whooohooo