Points Awarded in January:
rampantchaos78 - 9
faerieloch - 4
thewisejustking - 1
deenietot - 1
My oh my, what a wonderful day...
-Zipadee Doo Dah by Disney/various artists
You've got the touch...
-You've Got the Touch from Transformers Soundtrack/Stan Bush deenietot
It's my turn to fly...
-It's My Turn to Fly from Titan AE Soundtrack/Urge
But I don't know if I need you...
-I Want You by Savage Garden rampantchaos78
Got a ticket for a world where we belong...
-To the Moon and Back by Savage Garden rampantchaos78
I'll be ok...
-I'll Be Okay from My Best Friend's Wedding Soundtrack/Amanda Marshall
There is no future, there is no past; thank god this moment's not the last...
-Finale B from Rent Soundtrack
Let's give the boy a hand...
-Let's Hear it for the Boy from Footlose Soundtrack/Denise Williams/Katie B. rampantchaos78
And a voice keeps saying This is where I'm meant to be!
-Go the Distance from Disney's Hercules/Michael Bolton rampantchaos78
Unsinkable ships sink...
-The Impossible by Joe Nichols rampantchaos78
This is the straw that breaks my back...
-Take Me or Leave Me from Rent Soundtrack
They got the mustard out!
-They got the Mustard Out from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, episode: Once More With Feeling (Where was Maria???)
And I'm surrounded by A million people I...
-Home by Michael Buble rampantchaos78
Ground control to Major Tom...
-Space Oddity by David Bowie rampantchaos78
To be your blonde girl...
-WWW.Blonde Girl by Jenny Rom/Dance Dance Revolution (vwblondie has no excuse for not getting this one! :-P)
So much to be done...
-Return to Pooh Corner by Kenny Loggins
We are the Champions...
-We are the champions by Queen faerieloch
Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore...
-So Far Away by Rod Stewart faerieloch
Cause you're so far away...
-So far away by Rod Stewart faerieloch
And I can change the world...
-Change the World by Eric Clapton/Phenomenon Soundtrack faerieloch
-Chi by Korn
Look for the girl with the broken smile...
-She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 rampantchaos78
Or else forget about it...
-Smooth by matchbox twenty or santana rampantchaos78
What was it about that night...
-What You Own from Rent Soundtrack
Turn around bright eyes...
-Total Eclipse of the Heart by various artists rampantchaos78
But I'm not broken, in my dream I win...
-Cosmic Castaway from Titan AE Soundtrack/Electrasy
And still we cry alone With words left unsaid...
-We All Die Young from Rockstar Soundtrack/Steel Dragons
Cause justice is the one thing you should always find...
-Beer for my Horses by Toby Keith and Willie Nelson thewisejustking
Better is one day in Your courts Than thousands elsewhere...
-Better is One Day by Chris Tomlin or Kutlass
Lose my head to the chemical freeway...
-Cosmic Castaway from Titan AE Soundtrack/Electrasy
She'll be wide eyed... she'll be street wise...
-Finale of Sliding Doors Soundtrack
But I can't take it, I don't understand...
-If You're Not The One by Daniel Bedingfield rampantChaos78
Body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away...
-If You're Not The One by Daniel Bedingfield
Every title of every entry in my live journal is a piece of a song. Guess which song.
I don't care how you figure out where they came from, you just have to be the first to guess the song (and artist, movie, musical, or wherever it came from if possible; there could be multiple songs by that name).
Possible Points:
1 - Correct Guess
1 - Difficulty Bonus, lyrics not from the chorus/refrain/title of the song
1 - Difficulty Bonus, 3 words in the lyrics
2 - Difficulty Bonus, 2 words in the lyrics
3 - Difficulty Bonus, 1 word in the lyrics
Max points possible in 1 guess: 5
As I start ramping up the difficulty, anybody who can get 50 points in a month will get something special from me. Nobody's made any requests yet or given me an idea of what that should be... so I may default to a batch of brownies.
Now for the kicker (stolen from gngr):
Add the phrase "in bed" to the end of the lyrics or titles in my list or your own playlist. And pick your favorites.
My favorites:
You've got the touch... in bed
I want You... in bed
Pain... in bed