A Musical Memory

Apr 07, 2006 22:03

Most of my livejoural friends share a similar background, that of NA musicals. So I will share this for their benefit.

I recently went to see Ice Age II. Comical enough, you strike even with the $8.50 you pay to see it. I had the added bonus of a little kid sitting near me. His commentary and well-timed laughter were precious. So the point of my story is that the movie has a character, the vulture, that warns of impending doom. He tells all the animals about the glacier-melted flood due to wash out the land in a few days time. So off he flies and all the animals start traveling away from the glacier.

Come midway in the movie, the vulture reappears with his whole flock of other vultures, waiting for the animals to give up and die of exhaustion. Manny the sloth asks, "I wonder what they're thinking about?" Panning over to the birds, the vulture says with quiet intent..."Food...glorious...food. We're...anxious...to try it." Another vulture swoops into the picture: "Three courses a day, our favourite diet." Then in comes the baby vulture chick: "Just picture a Mammouth steak, fried roasted or stewed!" Well, it goes on for another five minutes, but you get the idea. I was HIGHLY amused that the vultures were singing 'food glorious food' and pictured Newman yelling at everyone to sing louder. None of the audience made any reaction, so I doubt they caught the reference. But oh boy...

So anyone who was in Oliver, GO SEE ICE AGE. If only for that one scene. :)
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