Married Life (NickxMaya, AU, oneshot)

Aug 12, 2009 15:21

Title: Married Life
Rating: G
Genre: Family/marriage fluff?
Status: Complete
Pairing: NickxMaya
Summary: Alternate universe in which Maya and Nick are married and have a daughter. :D Much fluff ensues.

Just moving stuff over from

“I’m ho~ome!” Maya sang out, kicking off her shoes and abandoning them in the entryway as she strode through the door. She walked into the living room of the modest apartment and threw her hands up into the air. “Didja guys miss me?”

“Mommy!” A toddler with short unruly black hair and bright blue eyes ran over, flinging her arms around her mother’s leg. “I missed you!”

“Hey, Meg!” Maya greeted with a giant grin, stooping down so she was at eyelevel with the girl. She planted a purposefully noisy, sloppy kiss on her daughter’s cheek, making her giggle, and then with a dramatic sigh hugged her tightly. “Oh, I wish I could take you to work with me sometimes, Meg! You’re so cute!”

“It’s too tight, Mommy,” Meg managed to say, her face partially squished against her mother’s shoulder.

“Sorry, sorry,” Maya said, laughing and releasing the youngster. She ruffled Meg’s hair, making it even spikier than before, and then stood up. She glanced around the living room, finding it empty. “Where’s your dad?”

“In the bafroom, with the stick!” Meg answered, waving around her fist like she was holding a wand.

“I’m right here,” Phoenix chimed in, appearing in the doorway in a plain white t-shirt and shorts. “And it’s called a toilet brush. Also, I don’t know if the people of Kurain would approve of the Master taking her daughter with her on the job.”

“Oh, you’re no fun,” Maya complained, leaning over to give him a kiss by way of greeting. “Everybody in the village loved her when we took her there just after she was born.”

“I wanna go to Crane Village,” Meg said, reaching up to tug on the hem of Maya’s robe. “Take me, Mommy!”

“It’s called ‘Kurain Village.’ And I’ll see what I can do, Meg,” Maya replied, smiling before she scooped up her daughter and took her over to the couch. “Let’s watch the Steel Samurai, okay?”

“Yeah!” The two settled comfortably on the sofa and Maya grabbed the television remote, but she froze at the sound of her husband’s voice.

“Hold on a sec, Maya…I was hoping you could help with dinner,” Phoenix said, sounding a little exasperated. He walked over to the couch, standing behind her. “You said you’d start giving me a hand.”

Maya craned her neck back so that she was looking at him upside down. She pouted, but he gave her a firm look. “Okay,” she sighed, twisting around so that she was facing him properly. “What did you want to make?”

“Well, I was thinking we would make spaghetti-it’s the only thing we have left since we haven’t gone shopping yet. And I thought we could also-”

“Spaghetti?” Maya broke in, scrunching up her nose. “Boooring! Let’s do something else!”

Phoenix paused, having a hunch on what “something else” could be. But he asked anyway. “…Any suggestions?”

“Burgers!” Maya cried, clenching her fists in excitement. “Doesn’t that sound great, Meg?”

“Yeah! I love burgers,” Meg said happily, affecting a pose similar to her mother’s.

“Wait…when have you had a burger, Megan?” Phoenix asked, his brow furrowing in confusion. He looked to his wife. “We haven’t given her burgers yet, Maya…have you?”

“D-don’t you mean ‘we’, Nick?” Maya responded, her tone sheepish. She pressed her hands together and smiled, trying to pretend like nothing was amiss.

“Maya,” Phoenix groaned, clapping a hand to his face in frustration. “We have to go slow with introducing her to new foods, you know you can’t just…”

“What’s wrong with burgers, Daddy?” Meg asked curiously, tilting her spiky head to one side.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with burgers?” Maya joined in, cheeks puffed out in defense. “Meg thinks they’re great, and so do I! I’ve been training her to love ‘em just like her mom.” She smiled at her daughter, tousling her hair again.

“Tr-training?!” Phoenix stammered, his jaw dropping in shock. “Urk! Stop teaching her such weird things!”

“Oh, hush. You know you loved it when I taught her how to point her finger and yell, ‘Objection!’ the way her dad does.”

To demonstrate, Meg pounded her tiny hands noiselessly against the soft cushion of the couch and thrust a finger at her father. “Ejection!”

Phoenix’s stern expression collapsed into a chuckling smile. “Oh, well. I guess our daughter is destined to have a strange life.”

“Her parents are certainly weird,” Maya replied with a relieved-looking grin, clearly pleased that he wasn’t too upset.

Phoenix leaned towards her face, cupping her chin. “Well, her mother is, that’s for sure,” he murmured, smiling into their kiss.

“What about Steel Samurai?” Meg questioned, kicking her feet impatiently as her parents pulled apart.

Maya lifted Meg onto her lap and scooted over, making room for Phoenix to join them. “Let’s all watch it together, and we’ll figure out dinner later, okay? I’ll help you out for sure, I promise.”

Phoenix conceded with a nod, taking the spot next to his wife on the couch. He slid an arm around her shoulders as she switched on the TV.

“Yay! This is my favorite episode,” Meg cheered, shifting on her mother’s legs to get comfortable. Her eyes were glued to the screen. “You like it too, right, Mommy?”

“Yup,” Maya answered, resting her head against Phoenix’s shoulder. “I love it. Right, Nick?”

“Yeah, me too,” he agreed, pressing his lips against the top of her head.

* * *

oneshots, ace attorney, fanfiction, writing

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