(no subject)

Aug 07, 2009 22:43

I wrote these two short oneshots a while ago. They're up at my FF.net account, too. I love this pairing X3;

Title: At Your Service
Author: dlbp (a.k.a. tozz)
Rating: PG
Summary: Short and fluffy Kariya/Uzuki oneshot. Uzuki wants to play a game, and Kariya suggests upping the prize from the usual bowl of ramen.
Notes: I know that according to the manga Kariya's lollipop is supposed to be bean paste flavored or whatever, but I thought that didn't really fit the story, so I changed it :P Just an FYI :D

“Kariyaaa,” Uzuki said, drawing out the last syllable of his name, her voice filled with impatience. “I’m bored and the food here sucks. Let’s do something.”

“What did you have in mind?” he asked, barely paying her any attention as he lazily leafed through a magazine with disinterest. He propped his chin up with his hand and had his elbow resting on the table, his signature lollipop jutting from his lips. They were sharing a table at the Mexican Hot Dog for lunch, and just ten minutes after ordering Uzuki was getting restless.

“I dunno…” she sighed, drumming her fingers on the table as she weighed their options. “How about Reaper Sport Number Four? We haven’t done that one in a while.”

“You mean tag?” he questioned, finally tearing his eyes off the page, his face displaying just the tiniest hint of curiosity.

“Yeah! With the same prize as always,” she added, her agitation quickly replaced with growing excitement. Predictably, competition was just what she needed to turn her mood around.

“Hmm,” he intoned, closing the magazine and dropping it on the table. “Ramen? That’s what we always do. I think it’s getting old…”

“Huh? What else would we do?” Uzuki asked, annoyance creeping back into her voice. Why get caught up in details like prizes? Winning was what mattered.

Kariya took the candy from his mouth and looked at it for a moment. “Welll,” he drawled, flicking his eyes back to her, “how 'bout we raise the stakes? Make things a little more interesting?”

“Like what, Kariya? Have something in mind?” she huffed, wishing that he’d spit it out instead of being so roundabout.

“How 'bout this: if I win, you have to do something for me.”

Now he’d sparked her curiosity. “…That’s-,” she started, breaking off in hesitation.

“C’mon, girl, are you in?” His eyes were twinkling with a challenging sort of mischief, as if he were daring her to say no. It made her stomach flutter for no reason at all and she tried to look confident.

She tossed her pink hair back defiantly, a self-assured smirk working its way onto her face. “Of course, as long as the same goes for me when I win.”

Kariya broke into a leering grin, looking satisfied. It was rare he regarded their competitive games as anything more than a distraction, but this time he seemed into it. He got his feet, sticking the lollipop back into the corner of his mouth. “Perfect. It’s starts now, then.”

“Wha-? Hey!” she cried, jumping up as soon as he vanished from sight with a mocking chuckle.

x x x

Truthfully, Uzuki was just a little bit anxious about what would happen if Kariya won. She doubted he would make her do anything too…well, embarrassing, but if ramen wasn’t going to cut it…

Not that she was planning on losing, of course.

“Aha!” she hissed triumphantly, catching sight of her target. He was just up ahead of her, darting through the crowd of Center Street. “Gotcha!” she cried, yanking on the back of his black hoodie. He let out a little noise of surprise and whirled around, rubbing his neck. “I win, I win!” she announced loudly as they stepped out of the main area and the way of other people.

“Hmm, gotta admit, you won fair and square,” he sighed, grinning wryly. “So tell me, Uzuki…what would you like me to do?”

The suggestion in his voice almost made her blush. Almost. But instead she remained unruffled on the outside, and tapped her chin in a fake look of pondering. “Let’s see, since ramen’s not good enough for you…” She trailed off, realizing she wasn’t really sure what she wanted. She’d been so focused on making sure Kariya didn’t win that she forgot to think about her own prize.

“What’ll it be? I haven’t got all day, you know,” Kariya said, languidly stretching both arms above his head as if he wasn’t concerned about anything she could throw at him.

“…How about you tell me what you would’ve had me do if you’d won?” she asked carefully, finding his complete apathy towards her slightly maddening.

One of his eyebrows twitched but otherwise he was unreadable. “What kind of question is that?”

She crossed her arms, scowling. “I’m just curious, since you were the one who thought it up.”

“Is that really the best you can think of?”

“S-so what? I get to make you do anything, so hurry up and tell me!”

He sighed again and took the lollipop from his mouth. “Well, when you put it that way...if you’re so sure, how about I do a demonstration?”

Uzuki’s brow furrowed as she considered his request. “I don’t think that’s fair-” She was stopped by Kariya’s fingers cupping her chin and his lips meeting hers for just one short, sweet kiss.

He hovered there for a moment, and she felt his warm breath on her cheeks as he stared into her widened eyes. “I think you see where I’m going with this,” he said in a low voice, pulling away.

Her temporary paralysis was broken. “Guh-muh-what the hell?!” she nearly screeched, clapping a hand to her lips. Her face was beet red, not from anger but from surprise. But the biggest surprise came after the kiss, when she realized that she hadn’t wanted him to stop. She could still taste the lingering flavor of the candy from his mouth: watermelon.

Kariya tried to hide his amusement towards her reaction but failed, his smile sneaking back onto his face and melting away his seriousness. “You’re right, that wasn’t very fair of me at all. Let’s see, I’ll make it up to you and buy you two bowls of ramen.”

Uzuki muttered something inaudible.

“Hm? What was that?”

“I said, ‘I’ll let it slide if you do that again.’ Now, hurry up and do it again before I die of embarrassment!” she snapped, her face flushing an even deeper shade of red.

“At your service,” he murmured, his playful smirk still present as his arms slid around her waist and he fulfilled her demand.

x x x

Title: Whatever Makes You Happy
Author: dlbp (a.k.a. tozz)
Rating: G
Summary: My second mildly fluffy Kariya/Uzuki oneshot. Kariya's perspective of the dynamics of their partnership.
Notes: I decided to use the name SAWA for the music group mentioned in this fic because they happen to make a lot of the soundtrack for the game. I don't know how many people know that, so I thought I'd mention it. XD;

Kariya had lost count of the number of times he’d heard other Reapers comment jokingly, “Man, that Uzuki’s sure got you wrapped around her finger, huh?”

And instead of responding or defending himself, the obviously stronger veteran Reaper would give them a pleasantly malicious smile and their laughter was promptly silenced.

Because really, he couldn’t care less what anyone thought about his partnership with her.

x x x

“Is that a new necklace you’ve got there, Uzuki?” Kariya asked, eyeing the heart-shaped pendant around her neck.

Her hands flew up to grasp it self-consciously as she answered him. “Yeah! I went shopping today and picked it out. Don’t you like it?”

“It’s cute,” he agreed, giving her a half-smile.

“Good, because I...I got an extra one since I couldn’t decide which to get for myself,” she said, speaking slowly with emphasis. “And I thought you might want the other one.”

She suddenly thrust out a small bag for him that he hadn’t even noticed she was carrying. He took it hesitantly, raising an eyebrow at her. Uzuki didn’t usually do the giving thing, and he was afraid it might be a prank. He reached inside and pulled out its contents: a small skull pendant on a silver chain, similar to the one Uzuki was wearing.

He stared at it, trying hard not to laugh. “Is this for real?” It seemed so girly to be receiving jewelry, which something he’d never bothered with wearing. He dangled it in front of his face, examining the shiny miniature skull. He couldn’t help it then; he let a little chuckle escape him.

She glared at him, crossing her arms. “I thought you said you liked it! Is that how you treat someone who bought you something with her hard-earned cash, by laughing?”

“I thought you said it was just an extra…”

“Urgh!” Uzuki growled in exasperation, her hands pulling at her hair. Her cheeks were tinged lightly with pink. “This is what I get for trying to be nice!”

He decided he’d had enough of embarrassing her, and sighed as if in defeat. He unclasped the chain and closed it around his neck, grinning as he did so. “Fine. Calm down, girl. I’ll wear it for the rest of the day at least, a’ight? Thanks.”

She remained moodily silent afterwards, however, until Kariya finally placated her by buying her ramen.

x x x

A few days later, they were wandering the streets of Shibuya together, when suddenly Uzuki stopped dead in her tracks. “No!” she groaned, suddenly sounding frustrated.

“Hm? What’s up?” Kariya asked, eyeing her clenched fists with caution.

She let out a sulky sigh, her shoulders drooping. “That,” she explained, pointing grumpily to the numerous flyers posted in Towa Records’ windows.

“I don’t see anything…” he said, his eyes scanning the brightly-colored posters for anything that stood out.

“The one for SAWA’s new record, duh,” she grumbled, as if this should be obvious. As soon as she said it, he picked out the poster that was advertising the album. “It comes out tomorrow and I totally forgot. Argh, I blew all my money on this pendant…” She trailed off, fingering the necklace that she was still wearing and eyeing the poster. Kariya had his own necklace tucked away and hidden beneath his shirt.

“Mmm, too bad,” he replied indifferently, as if he wasn’t really listening. But he was.

The next day, he got up two hours before he usually did (certainly a feat for him, considering it was the Reapers’ vacation time), waited in line for another hour at Towa Records, and then, finally, got his hands on a copy of SAWA’s latest album.

“Omigod! You got SAWA’s new record? How?!” Uzuki practically screeched when they met up later that day and he presented her with her gift, maintaining a careful air of nonchalance.

He shrugged and grinned, twisting the lollipop in his mouth. “I have my uses.”

“But like…this had to be impossible to get! Everyone wanted it!”

“No biggie.”

She shook her head, suddenly looking somewhat humbled. “Kariya, this is…” Her voice faded and a small, genuine smile showed through her disbelief as she clutched the CD case.

He waved his hand dismissively with a carefree smirk. “Don’t fret. It was easy,” he lied, keeping his tone casual. “Whatever makes you happy, girl.” And that was the truth.

x x x

When you looked at it, their partnership really was absurd. Kariya had been a Reaper for who knows how long, and was one of the most skilled Harriers the UG had ever seen, turning down promotion after promotion much to the dismay and slight annoyance of his fellow employees. On the other hand, Uzuki, admittedly talented and ambitious, lacked any real experience and was prone to tantrums, traits made even more apparent when paired up with the likes of the calm, collected Kariya.

And yet, despite all of that, there he was, a respected veteran Reaper doing silly things like wearing pendants and buying CDs, all for Uzuki-practically at his partner’s beck and call, when, in theory, he should be the one demanding respect.

But, truthfully, if doing those things made it possible for him to be the cause of just one of Uzuki’s rare smiles, he’d gladly stay as tightly wrapped around her finger as she pleased, regardless of what the others thought.

x x x

This was also posted at subarashiki_ds.

oneshots, twewy, fanfiction, writing

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