Jul 06, 2008 21:18
1) Back!
2) My first season pass makes me squee.
Three more visits and its value officially surpasses the price I paid.
3) Need to master art of being in multiple places at same time. Bristol consistently refuses to both organize itself around my preferences while at the same time extending the schedule approximately three hours to accomodate all the shows I want to see never running concurrently. While this may be logical, it forces me to decide, and I always feel like I'm hurting someone's feelings if I don't go to one of their performances especially when they know I love seeing/hearing/otherwise appreciating them.
4) I seemed to have gained +3 Charisma since last year (sorry about that one, but when I mentioned getting out of the splash radius when two cohorts were looking like one of them was about to rip the other's throat out, they responded with "I throw acid at you and do 1d8 damage"). When I connect with people it always surprises me how easily I do. More random hugs than I could count, and a kiss blown from a favorite singer -- I don't remember the last time I felt so loved [by strangers ;)]
5) I am five Micheal Jecks novels behind, two Gypsy Guerilla Band CD's behind, and one live Tourdion (honh honh honh, wheee!) CD behind. Correcting thiese alone will cost -- not including tax -- $95. Balancing this against the fact that I talked someone into buying a $95 hat from La Paloma when they intended to only buy from Excalibur IF they bought one at all. Since she's buying next week, maybe I'll do my correcctions next week too.
6) I am exhausted. and will at best get 6 hours sleep. Life is good. :D