History, Pt II

Jun 04, 2008 11:56

It's humbling, being alive to witness this moment in time, when the people of the United States of America, having turned out in record numbers in practically every primary and caucus in the union, have nominated their first african-american presidential candidate.

My personal politics aside, one must step back for a moment to reflect on this.
The centuries this country has endured, this evolving experiment, this minor uprising against monarchical rule in favor of people deciding for and governing themselves. And today, as we stand in the midst of this historic moment, we should also reflect on the fact that

89 years ago, on this very day, by a more than two-thirds majority of the Senate, and an overwhelming more than 3-1 margin in the House of Representatives, the Susan Anthony Amendment, which would go on to become the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America granting women the right to vote passed congress, and was sent to the states for ratification.

How humbling I find it to be standing here is an echo of that June 4th, and no less historic, and no less to be remembered fifty, 80, 100 years from now.

I cannot help but feel that the world stands poised for momentous and historic changes.
Moreso than when the Berlin Wall fell, or the USSR officially dissolved I feel that anything could truly happen. How lucky, how happy, how blessed, and how humbled I feel to be alive, here at this moment, I cannot describe.

The power of this historic moment is only intensified by the knowledge that, had the primaries, caucuses, and super-delegates all gone the other way, we would be standing here together having nominated our first female presidential candidate. What power, what magic, what awe-inspiring presence we as a culture, as a people, as a species must have and have demonstrated to bring about this day.

I cannot help but feel that this Is our moment.
Not simply because of who we nominated, but how we did it.
Through the once-seemingly ludicrous idea of allowing the governed to dictate their government; through the once-seemingly ludicrous idea of allowing women to have an equal say in doing so; through the once-seemingly ludicrous idea of allowing blacks, and immigrants, and all citizens over the age of 18 to have an equal say in doing so. Through all these once impossible means we have brought about a truly historic day. And I am humbled to share it with you all.

God bless us all.
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