Business and Photography

Sep 21, 2008 10:40

This year I've been pretty successful in my business doing mathematical modeling, data analysis, and soforth. During the first half of the year I continued to work with JKA in walnut creek, analyzing information from some of the projects that they were working on before I left.

During that same time, Francesca and I were shopping for a house, and I developed a model for pricing during the strong downturn of the LA housing market. Now, the market has a huge bid ask spread, and I'm talking with our realtor who's also become a friend, about providing that modeling expertise to his clients so that they have some idea of how to choose a price to place bids.

Also, I've been working on a biological data analysis project for David Morton's lab at OHSU (where hazelett works). The model involves predicting the distribution of time-to-behavioral-change when various mutant maggots are placed in various hypoxic environments. It's a dynamic model using some basic ideas from differential equations, but it works exceedingly well so far!

Most recently, I've decided to add to my capabilities by investing in a Canon DSLR outfit. This will be useful for both macro photography and technical documentation alongside my biology consulting, and forensics, as well as artistic photography and digital imaging consulting. I think there is a lot of room for educating biologists about digital imaging which is so important to their research, as well as selling art photos locally in the Pasadena area.

It's funny, now that I've gone through a process of getting myself into Civil Engineering research, my business ideas from Endpoint Scientific Computing (a consulting concept I tried to do 5 years ago or so) have finally started to pick up :-)
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