Need some advice here people...

Jul 19, 2004 10:21

So I'm looking for a second job to subsidize the barely-above-minimum-wage job I have at the moment. I have 2 possibilities: Target and Canyon Lakes Residential Treatment facility. I have no idea which one to take. Here are the arguments for both:

1. Target- um, it's TARGET. I do have a degree and all, and until this point in my life I have managed to avoid retail. I'm not opposed to retail exactly, if it were something like Old Navy or Aeropostale where an employee discount would be SWEET, but I feel like I'd be working there just to have a job. It's 6.25/hr which sounds bad, but is definitely the best thing around here. Pretty flexible schedule, and if I couldn't handle 2 jobs and school in the fall, I wouldn't really feel bad quitting.

2. Canyon Lakes- it's a center for disturbed kids. They've been taken from their homes due to abuse or bad behavior on their part. Stressful, but it's kinda in my field. There's a physical threat there, several staff have been assaulted and one had surgery last week on her knee. PLus, I have to take out all piercings, and I'm not sure if I even CAN take out my cartilage piercing. It's one of those ringed barbells. Anyone know what I can do? I think the job would be rewarding, but the shifts are 9 hours each. That's one thing during the summer, but during school? Plus, people there work up to 80 hours a week, and I couldn't make that kind of commitment. I don't think I have to, but I'm pretty sure those people would get first pick of shifts. That gig is 6/hr.

So what should I do? Advice please, I could really use it.
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