I was thrilled that all of my TV shows this week were awesome. Even How I Met Your Mother which I haven't really been that enthusiastic about since Barney and Robin broke up. But they were nice enough to indulge us with this:
Click to view
so I might be warming back to it again. :3 Community was at its utmost meta this week, with flashbacks we've never seen before, secret Britta and Jeff trysts (someone called it!) and parodies of shipping vids. Also, Abed loves the Cape (which I thought had an interesting premise but executed it poorly).
I am also, completely sold on HBO's Game of Thrones. I am not even sure why. There is patriarchy (and all attendant not-so-ancient definitions of manliness and child-bearing-only traps for women), racism ("savage" tribe ahoy!) and incest (D:). I haven't read the book either so some of it is lost on me and I'm only starting to get people's names and functions straight. (We keep having to pause the show to get an explanation from my cousin who is reading the book.) But the politics is pretty epic and it's wonderfully shot. (Just that first scene!)
I'm going to gripe about Doctor Who tomorrow. Hopefully.