Wow. [News Post]

Dec 09, 2008 13:35

It seems that the economic crisis is so bad even prostitution and the luxurious goods industries are actually hurting.

...And Detroit auto-makers (the Big Three... I forget who they are, LOL) are back in Washington begging for money. They're almost as annoying as AIG, who, after being bailed out by the government, still went on their much-publicized week at the spa. Apparently, Detroit auto-makers have been languishing since the 1970s... and since then haven't bothered to restructure like they should. Now their stupidity has come back to haunt them.

Washington's solution: semi-nationalization. I am personally shocked. But this is a sign of how drastic times have become. (I was discussing this with my dad, and somehow the fact that Bush is wire-tapping people came up. My dad thinks this was justified too. I call BS.)

'Course my answer would've been to just let them go bankrupt.

I know, I know, workers are hinging on this, and if you ask the Detroit auto-makers, the entire economy is hinging on them. But if we let them continue, it's really only going to get worse. They haven't been competitively viable in awhile.

Also, they say Bush is the one who is going to sign the bill in. (That reminds me of William Kristol's op-ed yesterday in the NYT, about how small-government conservative is a fantasy. Also a shocker.)

There is growing condemnation of Zimbabwe's Mugabe. Hurrah! I didn't think it would ever happen.

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