First of all, you are awesome for doing this! I know that I will like whatever you do for me. And if you are not my assigned vidder but are doing a treat for me, I am just absolutely amazed by your kindness. Second, I like all kinds of music: classical, pop, rock, country, musicals, oldies - if you look at my "40 days of music" meme you may get an idea of that. The main thing for me is that the feel of the music should suit the fandom and/or the story you're telling. By that I mean that yes, it's fine to put a rock or pop song to Sense & Sensibility as long as it feels right for the story or characters. The only type of music I don't like is rap. Third, I'm a slasher and welcome anything with slashy tones. However, I also love team and character vids, and you aren't required to be slashy. I'm just not much into het romance, except where I've noted it. If you want to check out my site to see what I've done in the past, my site is So here is my list, notes I put with the original submission, and general thoughts.
Big Eden - usually I offer to vid this fandom, but this year I decided to switch things up. Henry and Pike are my favorites so something about either or both of them would be brilliant. Or a vid about the people in Big Eden and how the people around Pike and Henry help and support them would be lovely.
Dresden Files - another change-up as I have vidded this one in the past so now I'd love a vid in return. Any kind of music, and a gen group vid or Dresden centered one would be lovely. I adore Bob so anything with him would be good, too.
Endeavour - my new favorite fandom. A gen vid about anything to do with Endeavour Morse would be lovely - h/c, drama, introspective, etc. I would love anything to do with him, or with his father/son type relationship with Thursday. I am up-to-date on this fandom so you can't spoil me.
Foyle's War - another new fandom. In this one, I don't mind any kind of pairing/relationship, because I think I ship it all. Gen or ensemble is okay, too. Something lovely would be an introspective on how the war affects all of them personally, or following one of the characters through the years (like Sam). I don't mind if you use bits from the post-war series to continue your story, although I really prefer the war-time part of the series. I would really love it if you would use the music of the period (I don't mind if it's an American tune instead of a British one, as I think they listened to both.) Something sad and wistful like "We'll Meet Again" or "White Cliffs of Dover", or something jazzy and fun like one of the Andrews Sisters songs.
Lewis - one of my longtime favorities because as you can see under the next fandom, I have loved Robbie Lewis for decades. Literally. Any song, any type of vid would be okay. A couple of suggestions: if you concentrate on the early-days of Lewis/Hathaway (pre-retirement & Laura-romance), then something fun and lighthearted, and perhaps the song "Something To Talk About". If you want to concentrate on one of the characters and do an introspective, either James or Robbie vids would make my day. If you want to take a theme and go from there, like Hathaways's growth through the series, starting with being pretty green and going through his crisis of faith (prior to his Walkabout) and now his maturing into a leader, that would be good. A case-fic is fine, an ensemble fic is fine. I like the new DS but please no romance/infidelity because I like her husband, too. I wouldn't mind a threesome with Robbie/Laura/James (like the idea of Robbie as the meat in that one!) but I really am not crazy about Robbie/Laura on their own (they are fine together, just a bit dull romance-wise).
Inspector Morse - I adore both Robbie and Morse, so anything with the two of them or about one of them would be good. However, I don't really want to see either of them in an overt het relationship. I have no trouble with slashing this pairing, or it can be gen or ensemble based. Ideas could be how Morse & Robbie's relationship changes over the course of the series, as Robbie matures from been the unknown DS to Morse to being ready to be a DI himself. Or a look at Morse's alone-ness, the way he is both alone and so isolated from everyone around him.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - this was such a fun little movie and I would love anything from it. It could center on one character, or it could be an ensemble piece. Any kind of music would be fine, too.
Wilby Wonderful - and my final reverse, a fandom that I have vidded for in the past and now I'd like to be on the receiving end. I had thought about the song "Are You Strong Enough to Be My Man", but you don't have to use that, just that I liked Dan's interest in westerns and the combination of a country song. I would prefer the vid to be about Dan and Ducky, not about the het romances, but I wouldn't mind an ensemble vid.
Hope this helps!