Fandom meme!

Feb 27, 2012 09:20

Cause I'm getting cross-eyed from all the research for stories that I'm doing right now... (and yes, that is a subtle hint about Good Things To Come)

First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
Dark Shadows - the original series. When I was in high school, my best friend introduced me to the world of fanfic, even though neither of us knew that's what it was called -- and this was in the mid-70s when all that stuff was largely underground. We added ourselves as characters (she was the sister of the woman Quentin Collins married except for past-flashback-stories where she was Barnabas' younger sister, and I was Quentin's younger sister in present & past). They were truly terrible Mary Sues, and they were also kinky! Both of us were into spanking fics and so our characters got into lots of trouble and tossed over lots of knees.

First fandom in which I interacted (through postal mail and in person) with other fans:
Star Trek Original Series (well, at the time, it was the only Star Trek). When I was in college, I was a member of the local fan club at the University of Oklahoma and painted a picture of Spock on my door (on the outside. On the inside was a picture of Galen from Planet of the Apes TV series). Through them, I got a copy of the original Concordance by Bjo Trimble, one that was typed and mimeod and bound by brass prongs. We heard rumors of fanfic but couldn't get our hands on any. I wrote atrocious Mary Sue stories where Spock & the Romulan Commander had a daughter. (Not only did she Save the Day many times, but she reunited Spock & Sarek, and eventually ended up with Kirk's son.)

Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
Mulder/Skinner from X-Files. I finally found fanfic (the Trek books with fan stories that were published) and then on-line fandom (newsgroups at the time), and then the earliest websites where I found Xanthe's story "Subterfuge". I was, in turns, stunned, shocked, intrigued, enthralled, and absorbed. I couldn't believe that people wrote stories that went beyond the BFF-buddy stories in Trek and Starsky&Hutch that I'd read.

First RPS/RPF I read:
I don't really care much for RPS, but I have read a few recs for "buddy" stories with the SGA guys.

First fanfiction I read that made me think, 'YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...':
Xanthe's story above. That's the one that made me jump into the pool and I've never looked back.

First time I remember getting really turned on by a fic
Again, Xanthe's "Subterfuge" story. It's all her fault!

Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
The first fanfics I wrote were gen, since they involved teen-age girls (the Dark Shadows stuff). The first relationship stories I wrote were all MarySue - The Trek ones with Spock's daughter, and Planet of the Apes stories with a MarySue third crewmember (a woman) who ended up with Pete Burke. The first time I wrote stories with existing characters only was X-Files, and those were Mulder/Scully - four of them before I fell into the Slash ocean. The first slash pairing I wrote was Skinner/Mulder.

First OTP:

First RPS/F OTP:

First fannish friend I met in person:
Well, if the high-school/college group doesn't count, then the first one I met in person was M. Butterfly, also an M/Sk writer, followed shortly by Xanthe, Rae, Rosalita, and a number of the other Mulder/Skinner writers that I can't recall at the moment -- we got together at Connexions in....1999? 2000? And then we spent a couple days in D.C. (Crystal City, of course) seeing the sights and talking about our favorite pairing. (The reason I met M.B. first was that we hooked up at the airport to ride to the convention hotel together.) I still recall that week fondly - a nicer bunch of ladies you could not hope to meet. Later, I met dswdiane who lives in Atlanta, too, (and no! we are NOT the same person!) and became great friends with her & her family.

First character I formally roleplayed:
I don't do much of that, but a couple years back - when I was out of work for that long stretch - I joined an HP on-line RP called "After Survivor". I played a dual role - Kingsley Shacklebolt and Bill Weasley. Ah, good times!


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