Mar 07, 2005 21:59
Did I mention how much I hate the plays?
The plays that keep my boyfriend from having his phone on, which in turn, doesnt let me know to call my mom because he wont be picking me up, which in turn results in me having to wait in an empty store for about 20 minutes while she woke up, got dressed and came down.
Not to mention I dont know what Ricky is doing. Oh no, its not him that I dont trust, but after being in what I was in, and hearing about what I wasnt there for, I dont trust ANYONE on that cast to keep their hands off of him. Okay, maybe a few people. I keep thinking something is going on and that he's going to leave me and the talk about what goes on backstage doesnt help me at all.
To you, he might be the most horrible boy on the face of the earth, but to me, he's everything and Im constantly afraid.
And being afraid makes me hate myself
and then I start to hate him.