(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 17:36

wow.. im on an update spree.. wanna know why? CAUSE I HAVE NO LIFE AND AM STUCK AT SCHOOL UNTIL 700 OCLOCK!!!! WOOO!!!!!!!!

Name ] Candace
[ Nicknames ] Ben.. Panzy... yea and thats really bout it
[ Screen name ] dktestubebaby
[ Birthday ] June 13th
[ Age ] 16
[ Weight ] 185?
[ Astrological sign? ] Gemini
[ Chinese zodiac sign? ] Dragon
[ Location ] Waterford, Michigan
[ Marital Status ] Relationship
[ Eye color ] Grey/green/blue
[ Height ] 6'
[ Shoe size ] 12
[ Parents still together? ] Nope.
[ Siblings? ] um... 1 real// one adopted... two step sis... two step bro
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] 3 nephews, two nieces
[ Kids of your own? ]nada
[ Grandkids? ] at the ripe old age of 16
[ Pets? ] Kat, Dog
[ Education? ] Im a junior at good ole WKHs
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] nu uh
[ Have any credit cards? ] hah hah.. yea.. responsibility, ne one?
[ What do you drive? ] a schwinn?

[ Color ] Black, Hot Pink, Navy Blue
[ Number ] 213
[ Animal ] Dogs and wolves
[ Vehicle ]one that has four wheels and an engine
[ Flower ] Tiger Lily
[ Scent ] Who knows?
[ Shape ] definetly
[ Drinks ] Apple Juice, Orange Juice.. Juice Juice?
[ Soda ] Mountain Dew, Code Red
[ Book ] Clockwork Orange, Invisible Monsters
[ Band ] Wow..got about 30 more pages?
[ Song ] same as above..
[ Food ] Taco Bell

Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] Workin on it
[ Twirl your hair? ] like, Oh my Gawd!!! how did you totally know?
[ Have tattoos? ] not at the moment
[ Piercing? ] Once again, not at the moment
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] Heh heh.. yea
[ Drink/Smoke? ] Sometimes/trying to quit
[ Like roller coasters? ] Hells yea bitches
[ Wish you could live somewhere else] I like where i am, for the most part
[ Want more piercings? ] Indeed
[ Like cleaning? ] Your talking to the man whose philosophy is the floor is the biggest shelf in the house
[Write in cursive or print? ] both, mainly cursive
[ Carry a donor card? ] yep
[ Swear a lot? ] Fuck No
[ Own a web cam? ] nada
[ Know how to drive? ] know how, but can i?
[ Det? ] Detroit???
[ Own a cell phone? ]Nopers.. im not as cool as those new 12 year olds
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] All the time
[ Habla Espanol? ] Poco Espanol

Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] no.
[ DUI? ] no.
[ Been in a wreck? ] Many
[ Been arrested? ] Not gotten caught
[ Been in a fist fight? ] nope
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] ..yea.. im sorry
[ Stolen anything? ]yea.. not to much, tho
[ Held a gun? ] yessums. i like me some shootin up time
[ Drank? ]Yeap
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?]Nope.. not that i remember
[Considered a life of crime? ] straight up gangsta.. yo
[ Considered being a hooker? ]considered? pshaw
[ Cried over a girl? ] yea.. i have
[ Cried over a boy? ] lol yea.... not really tho.. unless you count my uncle
[ Lied to someone? ] Many more times than i am happy about
[ Been in love? ] Still Am
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] Yea, i have
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] yep
[ Been rejected? ] Many.. Many.. Many times
[ Used someone? ] never
[ Been used? ] i dont think so..
[ Been kissed? ] Yeas

[Current mood] Eh
[Current music] Nothing at the moment.. sadly
[Current taste] Water and.. yea, water
[Current hair] greasy
[Current annoyance] Being here 'til 7
[Current smell] Warm journalism room
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Takin pictures with friends
[Current windows open?] Photoshop, this
[Current desktop picture] Just a blank background for now..
[Current cds in stereo] Jimi Hendrix.. Postal Service, Alkaline Trio, Foo Fighters, The Decemberists
[Current crush] No crush, but Dani...
[Current favorite celeb] I dont even pay attention
[Current hate] Nothin really, to bored to care
[Current job] Shut the Fuck up....

The last time
[Last book you read] Invisible Monster, Working on Nietze
[Last movie you saw] hrm... i think it was Napolean Dynamite
[Last thing you had to drink] Water
[Last thing you ate] I dont even remember.. lol
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Kim, and Jessica

Do you...
[Do drugs?] not really
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yea
[Play an instrument?] trying too
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yessums
[Remember your first love?] yea
[Still love him/her?] very much so
[Read the newspaper?] considering im on the staff, i guess so
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] many many
[Believe in miracles?]Yes, i do
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Yes, i do
[Consider love a mistake?] Nope
[Have a favorite candy?] Skittles
[Do well in school?] Somewhat
[Go to or plan to go to college] Yessums
[Wear hats?] On rare occasions
[Hate yourself?] Neh
[Have an obsession?] Yea.. mainly music, and photography
[Have a secret crush?] NO
[Do they know yet?] well, considering the last answer
[Collect anything?] Yep.. magic cards.. hah hah im such a loser
[Have a best friend?] yes
[Close friends?] a few
[Like your handwriting?] sure
[Care about looks?] Not at all. Persona my friend, Persona.

=Love life=
[First crush] Heh heh i think it was Heather Farthing in like 2nd grade, lol
[First kiss] I think that would be Elena
[Single or attached?] Attached,
[Ever been in love?] Still am in love
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] in a way, yes
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Not Really.
[Describe your ideal significant other] Loves Music, be themselves, appreciate life, belive in love.. to many things
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