Mar 01, 2006 03:39
Just gave 12 hard hours to the land of burnt rubber and flock. They need shipment on my job, and are expiditeing the part in the morning, lol. I just love when they get behind cause of thier own stupidity. I couldn't pass up the O.T. though, trying to save up a bit so Cara and I can have a very enjoyable anniversary trip in a few months. Then, the idiots had the nerve to ask me to come back in at 11am though..... thats where I draw the line, I'm not running my ass off for 12 freaking hours, coming home to sleep for maybe 5-6, then going back and running another 12, sorry, don't play that game. Besides, I want to try to make it up the the club this week, might be the last week for a bit. I should get released to the job I bid on next week, and will probably train on 3rd shift for a while. I may try to work one more 12 this week, and keep my weekend clear to spend with Cara and maybe catch up with a few friends.