Oh my. Iruka is going to go on a killing spree now. First Kakashi then everyone involved in the plotting spree. Great work keep it up. Have you finished your finals yet? If so how did you do?
My mid-semester is somewhat considered as finished but there're more to come for the next five weeks. *dies* I can't even have a proper break before november. *sighs*
How 'bout you? Medical studies looked really tough so I guess you're very busy with your studies as well. Poor us... ='(
Still studying for the MCAT's. However my education for health care administration with a emphisis in pharmacology. Still a pain. Ah. Ive got the next round in finals coming in 2 weeks. Trade you classes for awhile? What are you studying?
I'm taking Bac. of Finance. Also a major pain. - -
My second round of mid-sem starts next week. Assignment is going to due during the next 2 weeks and final is around 4 weeks later so... You sure you wanna trade classes with me? XDDDD
Have you finished your finals yet? If so how did you do?
How 'bout you? Medical studies looked really tough so I guess you're very busy with your studies as well. Poor us... ='(
My second round of mid-sem starts next week. Assignment is going to due during the next 2 weeks and final is around 4 weeks later so... You sure you wanna trade classes with me? XDDDD
Good luck in your final!! =33
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