Round Five.......

May 09, 2009 00:09

I was not surprised that he didn't get first. I was surprised that we got second though. I wasn't expecting that.
So for the shoot he had to portray a High Fashion Australia. um. needless to say that had us baffled. But our awesome friend Carrie got us onto a ranch up where she lives and we got to do the shoot out there. It worked out well, except for the rain; which was kept away from my camera with the clever use of a rubber band and a trashcan liner. I think this is the best shoot we've done for this, I like the work even more than the MacDuff shoot, but not by much. Here's the best shot, and this is the general consensus, but feel free to disagree.
fair warning, there's like 9 under there.

Next week is an iPod ad, all happy an brightly colored. If any challenge could send him home it'll be this one. That and I have like 4 papers I need to get done before I even think about shooting him. And Keith has all the camera bodies this weekend, so even if I did have the time I don't have the equipment.
But we have until Tuesday. Maybe we'll shoot monday morning....downtown? by some murals? hmmmmmm this may be alright after all, now to run it by Tyler.....

tyler, photo, gaia

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