So the challenge thingi I did the MacDuff pictures for continues, Tyler got like sixth in that round (out of 9). For the next set he had to be Terpsichore, Greek muse of Dance and the Chorus, and advertise chocolate.
Don't ask, I have no idea. I thought it was a pretty weird challenge, but we shot it. And I would like to say that I am super disappointed in how these came out. I hate the lighting, the WB is off because we had to use two different bulbs, he really can't dance so he's super stiff, it was just frustrating.
Imagine my shock when he got first for this round.....I feel like Pepper Brooks, "I feel shocked" indeed.
The judges' pick:
The Rest:
So the guitar is a modern interpretation of the lyre Terpsichore is always shown with. I thought it worked well, but the judges were not such fans of it.
Anyway, the next challenge is a Black and White 'beauty' headshot that expresses anger. I know he can win this one two if he just puts his mind to it. I'm totally psyched and I'll post those on Monday.