Jan 29, 2009 21:31
Today I get a frantic call from one of my best friends, Tyler, "I'm taking my girlfriend to formal and I need pants."
Swear to god, that's how the conversation started.
But the pants would have to wait, and wait they did, because today I dragged him down to the river to scout locations for an upcoming shoot. (I will post test-shots in a few)
To give you an idea Fresno is bounded by water on all sides, go any direction and you hit river. So finding the riverside is pretty easy, finding picturesque riverside without a bunch of gang bangers/ fishermen/ drunken assholes proves to be an issue.
But me being me, I know a lot of quiet spots so we hit the river, so beautiful, to find locations. We ended up walking around for about 45 min to an hour looking at all the different places (and finding some really fantastic ones) before driving BACK into Fresno to go shopping.
After a fiasco cashing his check, don't ask, and finding the damn store (I have been told that TJ Max carries suits, but that's if you can find the damn store) we give in and go to another store to get him pants. They are nice pants, without the three yards of extra fabric he seems to need in all his other pants. Oh and I went into the dressing room to see how the pants looked and the lady Freaked Out, because, you know, I'm going to have dirty dirty sex, with my friend, in the dressing room, whilst shopping so he can take his girlfriend to formal. Not My Style. TYVM. Moving on.
However I am a romantic Janite retard and I am frantic on his behalf, here are the things he needs for taking a his girlfriend to formal, in my opinion... (crossed out is what he has)
A Suit (of sorts)
A Limo
A Corsage
A Bouquet
Dinner Reservations
See? (sigh) I'm sure they'll have a wonderful time, I just stress every little detail. But back to my story:
So we get him his pants and we have an hour to get me fed and back to school for my class. We go to Carl's Jr, because it's right by school, and then he goes to drop me off in front of the English building, and I realize that I have left my sweatshirt in my car, which is too far away to get to and not be late for class.
I'm stressed (again?) because my class gets out at 9, I have to walk 1/2 mile to my car, and it's going to be cold. I need a sweatshirt. And with only a little but of razzing on his part, Tyler lent me his sweatshirt so that I could get to class on time. Which was fortunate being as the instructor is more than a little strict on the tardy policy.
Anyway, so there you go, I dragged this poor kid (literally) all over Fresno and he still lent me his sweatshirt. He wins today's awesome friend award.