Jun 29, 2005 16:13
Oh the glory comes my way as tennis comes to an end.
Tennis came to a conclusion; it would be my kind of sport if there was less running around and more of me hitting the ball in bounds. I can't believe we did it, I took a college course with Perillo, Fleisch, and Mack. It was a bit surreal at first but after a while it became a reality. A hard reality. Especialy with me and my learning disablity, poor, eye-hand coordination, and poor fine motor skills. I know I passed but I'm intrested in what the others recieved. I started this class with joy and anger within me at the same time. I was joyful to have some of my closest friends within the same class as me. I felt anger and frustration by just taking the damn class. The sterotypical image of a gym teacher was in my mind untill recently I fully realized that I was only a human with a disadvantage suffering inside.
You know how it is, I felt that as soon as this guy noticed that I was bad, he would explout my weakness and belittle me. I've bee through the physcal therapy, physical edcuation, and ocupational therapy systems long enough to know how its done. They tell you you're doing better than you actualy are just to make you move on, or they keep you in cause sometimesit came down to making money. There was only two times within my life that I remember actualy suceeding within one of these systems: Dr. Morganstern for occupational therapy and, my private tennis tutor. Sure the tennis teach at Suffolk helped with his sympathany, and extra help.I'm thankful for him helping me, he taught me a better way to hit my forehand.
I survived the two gym requirements for Suffolk. Tennis and Jogging, and its all thanks to my friends for the boost in my self esteem, and I'm thankful for the deffense mechanism that actualy sharpened my craft. Which byt the way, comes from Fleisch and Perillo. Well, more Fleisch than Perillo but Perillo non the less. Who knew that making fun of things brought in big laughs? Better than that, picking on something weaker than you is funnier than that. Not so much in tennis, but in jogging I really made myself look lik an ass without acting like one. And the inspiration of that brand of comedy is the art of freestyling and those two kids.
What a class, I'm gonna miss those people like I miss the kids I had Acting with. That's life, except the boys and Gabby, I problaby won't see those problaby see those people again. Maybe we'll see each other in life again, that'll be cool. As far as my life is concerned, the beat goes on.