May 28, 2005 23:14
I've had this quote waiting to be used within the Eminem quote archives of my mind for quite some time now.
Sometimes within my life I like to reflect upon how things are going, and how my dreams and goals are forming. Well my dreams and goals are forming quite nicely, however they contain the side of me that everyone knows and is safe with. The fun and easy going side. The public side in which everyone within my personal world knows and is confortable with. But then there's the side of me that is itching to get out, the deeper side, the side of me that not many people know, and problaby feel less confortable with.
I've been longing to have serious conversations again, but its been hard. The few people I cand do this with, do not want to do this quite yet. Or they are just too far away, in a land where a multiple hour drive is the only way. It's wierd, I feel as if something within is giving me the incouragement to grow. I want to grow, know I must grow, yet at the same time something is whining, "No!"
This past semester I have realized that I have entered upon another level of life. In the fall I'm taking three classes only open for 2nd year students, and one introductory class, Intro to Sociology. I'm rounding the corner of my academics, and I'm scared. I realize that I can no longer avoid the urban jungle, NYC. As I get the grand tour of NBC, with a friend, I'm taking a giant leap for myself. I'm going to have to hold my breath and do it.
Now let's go bck to the topic on hand, what lead to me miss having deep coversations with people? Well it started when this afternoon I met this girl, Rachel, in PJ today. No, it was not an accidental meeting, it was planned. Anyway, as we spoke on the bench by the tennis courts, I relized that I miss the deep conversations that I have with people; and that these conversations is my therapy inwhich I sometimes, not often, but sometimes need to suceed. I've been philosophizing in my head more ever since 9/11, and I'd like to voice my opinion, and maybe bringing a catyalist to create a brotherhood.
I'd like to strengthen my friendships, to make all that meet feel more confortable with one another. Can we honestly do that by acting like the cast members of Jackass? Maybe I'm speaking of something that may never happen, but it is something to think about.