My second daughter, Rachel Josette was born on 3/12 at 5:59 pm weighing 9 lbs, 5 oz and 22 1/2 inches long. She's a big chunk of chocolate as her dad says. And she has a lot of hair, like her sister.
I was induced on Fri. We finally decided on her first name the night before (we just can't agree on girls' names) and her middle name during labor at the hospital. The induction went slower than it did for Alyssa. I was at 4 cm pretty much all day. They were slowly bumping up the pitocin and it was getting to the point where I felt I was at my limit so I got an epidural and progressed from 4 to 10 in about an hour and a half. So much for epidurals slowing things down - they seem to speed things up for me. I only had to push for about 6 minutes and she was born. She didn't cry right away and had to be given a little oxygen to pink up. She had a lot of fluid in her stomach which they had to empty before she could really breathe efficiently, but her apgar scores were good and she was fine after that. Nursing is going well with her which I am very thankful for - it was a challenge with my first. Overall, things are going well. A little crazy, but well.
I hope all is well with everyone else. Nutty, I look forward to hearing from you! Good luck!!