Azeroth, the Land of WarCRAP

Aug 10, 2007 19:51

 Today finds me in yet another rotten mood.

I find myself sick and tired of the usual forms of entertainment. Whenever I find a good music group, in 2 weeks I've played them so much that I'm sick to death of them. As for gaming, well, the more that things change the more things are basically the same....

I'm sick of World of Warcraft yet again. Having soloed all that I possibly can in the game, I'm sitting here ranting over just how assed up much of Burning Crusade really is. Allow me to rattle off a few examples:

Profession Recipes:   In the Old World, when you ran an instance, recipes would drop at random from bosses and mobs. These recipes were BoE so that if you couldn't use them, you could pass them on to an ALT character, or to a friend in your guild who couldn't be present for the instance/raid in question. Sorry; GONE with BC folks! Blizzard, hungry for more of our effing money, has decided that all BC recipes that drop  are now BoP. Congrats if you did 9 runs for a Master Hammersmith recipe, only to have the "guild idiot" win the roll on that immortal "10th run" in which, you were not able to be present. Yes folks, they conned -everyone- with the new level limit, new instances, and yes, FOR SOOTH: A lower player requirement for the highest instances and raids! But look at the tradeoff: People who enjoy professions now, thanks to Blizzard, are forced to grind instances time and time again just in case that Epic plan drops. Anyone but me miss finding sweet deals on the AH made by some n0Ob who didn't know prices from his elbow?

The Arena:   After nearly 2 years of totally unfair and unbalanced PvP, the Points System was created for standard PvP. Gone were the archaic ranks and the absolutely JOB-LIKE grind of attaining Grand Marshal. Yes, you earn points now. Yes, once you earn them you keep them forever! Great!

.....Enter the new Arena System.....

Remember the days where Twinks ruled the 19,29,39, and 60 brackets with their uber enchants, epic mounts, and premade (vent-attuned) guild groups? Well, welcome back to Hell folks, because thats exactly what we now have in the arenas. But no, wait a moment, we don't have ranks anymore...yippee! What we do have is a Rating system based on Wins/Losses instead of sheer kills. What we now have is an element of PvP that never actually gives you ANY PvP Points per kill, but only Arena Points for a total win. (IE: Kill all opposing players)
Upset when you're the last man alive and you and your opponent has 10% HP left and he's the one that crits? Yep, forget the efforts your teammates just gave. Forget that lucky last-minute Fearbomb that allowed your teammates to take out the two other players. You made the mistake of leaving the Twink Rogue in full Tier 2 Arena Gear alive because you aren't uber yourself.  So now we have our glorious 3v3 team's two "nice jobs" from killing 2 of your 3 opponents, ruined by one totally un-glorious "Aww SHIT!!" because of a Twink Rogue that puts out 50% AGAIN the damage you do.
 (Side note: Feel free to substitute "Rogue" with whatever class your team, specifically, your team gets twink-owned by.)

Oh, and one last rant on this: You canNOT pug the Arenas. Prefer to solo WoW? Prefer not to do Guild runs for every stinking thing in the game? Congrats, you now have no other choice. Thanks Blizzard...destroyers of RP that you are...

Look, i'm old and my reflexes are slow. I'm used to loosing. I mean, good LORD, I play Alliance for the love of Torm! Is there any other game with a more loss-prone faction, I ask you honestly? We -know- how to loose. Loosing bothers me when you are so totally outdone and overmatched, in whatever fashion, that you find yourself having more fun stripping to your skivves and doing /dance until you get 6k critted and get to exit this man-made Hell-hole.

I've been in WoW to hear just about every arguement about PvP their is. "Do this, and you fix PvP but break PvE." - "No, wait, you fixed PvE but now PvP is totally whacked!" - "Warlocks are overpowered, nurf!" - "Rogues are overpowered, nurf!" - ....on and on this insane babble goes. I sometimes wonder if the people at Blizzard, during such moments of stupidity by their...."customers"....just stand back and laugh until their brains bleed or something. If I never played WoW, I know i'd laugh. Not at Blizzard, but at the stupidity of the people in WoW. 99% of people who play WoW never see it for the treadmill it is, to say nothing of envisioning what it COULD/should be.  Blizzard knows that to keep people playing, certain things must take so long to obtain and must require so much teamwork, that the game becomes a job. No really, this statement is coming from a man who, honest to God, plays Wow 8+ hours per day and never sees end-game because I happen to go AFK alot, hate raiding, and hate guild politics and 12'yr olds even more.

....was gonna continue the rant but, why? This is a personal blog, not a statement for the world press. Blogs don't change the world. People don't, and can't, change the world. It changes them. People's surroundings shape them, not the other way around. Yes yes, heard the other side of that argument, even lived it most of my life. Talk is cheap, results are everything. Money and power are everything, and morality gets in the way. I'll die poor because I tried to believe in something. Maybe it was right, maybe it was wrong, but the truth is I really don't care anymore.  If there really are Aliens out there somewhere, they certainly must view humanity as a failed experiment....

An "Old School" Gamer,

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