Nov 30, 2006 07:07
1. Full name:
-Darren Justin (You can't spell my last name anyway)
2. Nicknames:
3. Eyes:
4. Height:
-5' 11"
5. Hair:
-brown with a hint of gold
6. Siblings:
-2 brothers
7. Do u like to sing in the shower?
- when I take them, yes
8. Do u like to sing?
9. Birthday:
-The Thursday of the South Carolina Game
10. Sign:
-Here's yours
11. Address:
-In a van, down by the river!!!
12. Sex:
13. Righty or Lefty:
-Southpaw, we're in our right minds
14. What do you want in a relationship most?
-mutual trust, honesty, confidence in each other, comfort, security, she has to meet the quality assurance standards
15. Have you ever cheated?
-on a test? homework? on someone? which? test: it was an extremely rare occurance, homework: how can you cheat on it if you take it home. someone: yes.
16. Marital status:
-If facebook would let me...I would only select Marriage as to what I'm looking for.
17. Do you have a car?
-yes, well, it's an SUV
18. What kinda car do you have?
-my 1999 Jeep Cherokee
19. Movie:
-Braveheart has no equal
20. song:
-"Change Your Mind" - Sister Hazel
-Garth Brooks/Sister Hazel/Ludacris
22. TV Show:
-The Price is Right (at least until Bob Barker leaves)
23. Actor:
-Harrison Ford
24. Actress:
-Emmy Rossum
25: Radio station:
-Currently, 96.5 out of Birmingham, but normally I switch from 92.3 to 96.7 to 97.7 to 101.9 to 103.3 to 105.7 to 106.1 to 107.3
- 7
27. Cartoon:
-Justice League
28. Disney Character:
29. Color:
-navy blue (of Blue Coat fame)
30. Do you plan on having kids?
-yes, tons.
31.Would you have kids before marriage?
-if they would do my homework
32.How old do you wanna be when you are married?
-honestly? how about we skip this question...because I'm already too old for my tastes
33.Where do u want to get married?
-during the fall (not this one or next, but just a fall)
34.Do u believe in love at first sight?
35. Do u have a b/f or g/f:
-hmmm...who's asking?
36. What is his or her name?
-again, who's asking?
37. Do you have a crush:
-yeah...and it may or may not be tied to 35 and 36
38. Music/TV:
39. Guys/Girls:
40. Green/Blue:
41. Pink/Purple:
42. Summer/Winter:
43. Night/Day:
44. Hangin Out/Chillin:
45. Dopey/Funny:
46. You know I'm around when you hear:
-your name above 110 decibels
47. What school do u go to?
-the best one in the history of time: Auburn University
48. What is your favorite food?
49. What's a major turn on for you? paint the pictures
50. Who was your last crush?
-before the current one...Adrienne Homewrecker
51. Most blonde:
52. Nicest:
53. Funniest:
54. Tallest:
-Zach, Scott...King Dunlap?
55. Best personality:
-all of my friends have marvelous personalities, all what 750 of them?
56. Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most?
In order of age
1. Kristen
2. Robyn
3. Haley
4. Allison
5. Sarah
57. Define love?
-Finding one's counter-point in another person.
58. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?
-No. If it happens, the offending party should lose an appendage.
59. What was the last thing you cried over or got tears from?
-Losing to UGA-ly in Jordan-Hare in my last home game with Kristen and Jeremy :'''-(
60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get:
-why do girls often let themselves be put under situations of unrest, hearsay, and drama. Resolve your problems head-on and don't worry about what people might think about you for being the bigger, better person.
61. Who are your best freinds?
-Any and every Auburn University Alto player from 2003 to Present; the five people listed above; those who I refer to as my Little or Big Sisters (in both phileo and fraternal sense of the word); Brandon, Eric, Jon, Taylor, etc.
62. What's something you can't live without?
-the best friends listed above
63. Love or Lust:
-Love is a many-splendored thing.
64. Silver or gold:
-gold (unless Platinum is available for my rims)
62. Diamond or pearl:
63. Sunset or sunrise:
-sunrises (not as many people see them)
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals:
66. Do you have any piercings:
67.What are you watching?
-the clock at Foy, cause I want to get off and eat breakfast
68. What song are you listening to right now?
-Trans-Siberian Orchestra's rendition of the Dance of the Sugar-Plum Faries
69. What's the last 4 digits of your phone number:
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?
-Somewhere that I didn't have to worry about my wife or I being subject to crooked people that sell women into white sex-slavery and beat up anyone who tries to stop, not Aruba...maybe Bermuda, Hawaii, Alaska, Europe, Latin America, heck, even Africa, or just a crazy-awesome destination in the Contiguous 48.
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
-you thought I was going to put #37 didn't you? How about I answer it this way...the person I'm meant to make the happiest woman on earth.
72. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex:
-her shakin moneymaker
73. Favorite sports?
-1) Baseball
2) Football
3) Ice Hockey
4) XC/Track and Field
5) Basketball
6) Swimming and Diving
7) Futbol
74. What makes you happy?
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get?
-the newest Sister Hazel CD I should have gotten in October
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses?
77. Do you have an idol?
-Yes, Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the United States, who, supposedly, I resemble
78. Have you ever won any special awards?
-Yes. I'm not going to list them because I know the people who would...and I hate those people.
79. What are your future goals?
-Marriage, children, 2-Term President of the United States of America, President of Auburn University, living to see my Great, Great Grandchildren, going to Heaven because I was bought with His blood.
80. Worst sickness u ever had?
-Scarlet fever
86. Do u have any enemies?
-Yes, many...and I don't really know why they hate me, but I can hate them right back.
88. Would you rather be rich or famous?
-Famous, as long as I have my wife and those children from earlier
89. What time is it now?
-7:14 am
90. Have you ever been in love?
-really and truly, because of everything...looking back and
91. Have you met santa?
-yes and I tell him what I want every year
92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked you to use your phone, what would u do?
-I would blast him off my porch because I despise cockroaches and illegal it's a win-win for my household and I.
93. When did you last talk to the person that you like?
94. Do u have any pets?
-I want some.
95. What do you want for Christmas?
-An iPod would be nice...I've been missing the train on that one for at least 3 years now.
96. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
-Not wake up until it's an hour later than I need to be, THERE
97. Are you an alcoholic?
-If attention is the same thing as alcohol.
98 Who sent this to you?
-No one, unless Jason telepathically told me to do it...thanks for the love Bro.
99. What do you think of this person?
-He's a great fella. He's a brother. He's indespensible.
100. Do you want your friends to send this back?
-Send it back? If my friends see this...I want them to DO IT!!!
DK out.