When I was little, the symbols at the top row of the keyboard, above the numbers, generally meant that someone was saying words Not Meant For Little Ears
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Browsing through various anime forums, mostly with the intention of joining a few. The problem seems to be that if they're not filled with grumpy "in my time" snobs, they're filled with sparkly-text kids.
I honestly have no objection to the sparklies as such. Everyone's free to sparkle away, but not when it causes a problem with the page. Line-breaks and all that.
[old man voice] Sonny, I been writin' websites in html since you were knee-high to a grasshopper and I'll keep on writing in html until... [/old man voice] well, I learn XHTML, I suppose...
Ya, you're right of course. And CSS. And PHP. And other alphabet soup of the 21st century. ^_^
I honestly have no objection to the sparklies as such. Everyone's free to sparkle away, but not when it causes a problem with the page. Line-breaks and all that.
If only... :\
Also: Icon love.
Ya, you're right of course. And CSS. And PHP. And other alphabet soup of the 21st century. ^_^
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