Planning to get a really, really small and lightweight notebook.
All I need is a word-processing function, sufficient hard disk space for said function, and a music player of some sort for mp3s. Internet capability will be nice, and sought after, but not completely essential
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I'm not a good person to talk to about Linux and XP, since I chose XP solely based on the fact I'm more comfortable with it.
A warning I do have about the Asus 901 is that the 12GB memory is segmented in a pretty silly way, and can't be combined for usage, so all my stuff are hanging around in the secondary drive. [I think that's an Asus Eee thing though.] I've also found, somewhat ludicrously, that if you don't disconnect the power plug before you switch it off, or have the plug in when you're switching it on, it hangs and refuses to start up (later on). It might just be mine being glitchy, and that's really it's only major issue in my use.
I don't know if that helps you or dkellis, but I hope it does!
Did you get a model that has the trackpad features in it? If so, how are they? Useful? Fun for 5 minutes and then not worth playing with anymore? I think they are a great addition to an already great hardware and I'm looking forward to playing around with it.
I had the minimal trackpad features, though I didn't find it useful for the sheer reason that I use a USB mouse. I do like the quick-scrolling, though! The pinching zoom function doesn't work on mine, so I suspect that was left out. I did, however, download a software [that is already in the 900, if I recall rightly] that added more functions not because I wanted more functions, but because I wanted to disable the trackpad during moments of furious typing. XD [So dkellis, if you're reading this and considering the 901, there might be a program you'll have to install from an unsavoury kind of illegitimate-looking Taiwanese website to stop unhappy shifts and accidental inserts while typing...]
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