(no subject)

Jul 20, 2008 16:04

I'm done. I've fucking had it with some of you. Not inviting me out with friends because you want someone you invited all to yourself? Fucking selfish. Get over yourself. The world doesn't revolve around you Casey. Jaypoc doesn't want you. GET OVER IT. It took me 3 years to deal with it. You told me yourself, "He completely led me on for weeks, got in between anyone else who was trying to pay attention to me, and just bails when he is the only one left.

He leaves each of us stranded and alone. All of the girls he's surrounded himself with have or had feelings for him and he just plays with all of us like yo-yos. It's like we exist to amuse him, but he ignores what we need.

As a toy he would be fine. But as a person to invest emotions into I'm seeing more and more of what my friends do. They say he is only concerned with his appearance and seems to have ignored the real person inside for so long that he has probably lost touch with his real feelings and emotions. Someone like that is not capable of loving anyone, not even themselves.

I am doing what I can to kill the feelings within. Usually a good healthy dose of disrespecting the one who causes pain makes it all easier. Funny thing is he keeps sticking around. Anyone with a little self respect probably would have bailed weeks ago. Whatever. I'm just trying to make me happy now. I think fucking my friends in his backseat will do wonders. If I ever actually get the car. If you'd like to borrow it, just let me know."

You're a fucking hypocrite. Yes I was pissed off that I wasn't invited to your "gathering" because of your reasoning. Yes, I used to have feelings for Jaypoc. He knows I had feelings for him. But for you to not invite me because you was gonna get drunk and all touchy feely/flirty with him is just bullshit. At least have the balls to tell me why you didn't invite me.

Jay/Tiff: You two of all fucking people in the world. I think this is the end of my friendship with the two of you. I really do. Tiffany, I'm really truly shocked that your friendship with Casey means more than ours. I mean really. And Jay? Come on. You didn't think that was fucked up?

Whatever. I'm done. This LJ is getting deleted soon. I have enough fucking drama off the damned computer.

Anyone needs to talk. You know how to find me.
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