dream a little dream...

Oct 06, 2003 22:56

so i had a weird dream last night. it was that i was in a house, and part of some other family. there were two other sisters and a father. and there was a psycho serial killer trying to break in the front door. foaming at the mouth, waving an axe and all. we were fighting him off, locking all the doors and windows, and when he came around the back door, the father took to him with a machete. it was kinda odd, because things started to blur between who was attacking and who was defending. the serial killer got thrashed and then the business was to cover up the murder. so the father took a shovel and bashed his face in, and i started to paint a clown face on him. (don't ask.) things got stanger after that. we were sitting around the dinner table and everyone cuts off their hand, and starts eating it. there's blood everywhere, on the table, on their faces. at some point, i wander out in the backyard, there's an oil drum with a fire burning in it, so i warm up against it, look around at the other oil drums filled with blood and body parts. at some point it begins to click that we've moved into a house that's had a lot of gruesome death in its history. so i start to wander through the house, i'm staying in some boy's old room, there's blood stains on the carpet and all his things are still there, but it's devoid of personal thought. and as i start looking i find a crawlspace and crawl into it and i'm in another room, also his, but it's as if the ghost of him is still there, along with all the secrets of the house.
odd. i don't usually dream such graphic violence unless i've recently watched something like that. still, these dreams are so frequent, i hardly notice the blood.
yes, machine's back up.. back to work!
*sigh* so now the new hosting company is having problems. i hope it's only temporary.
waiting for a callback from them before i leave.
so i have this horrible desire to run away today. just throw everything in the truck and jet. i don't know where to. just to get away. it's driving me up the wall. i don't like it. "mommy, make it go away!!!" i think it's just that i'm stressed. so much going on. so much to juggle.. *ball lands on head* ..ack!
snarf. snarf. ten more minutes and i'm outta here.
hmm. my back hurts. that's not good. :o(
what else? maow. maow.
oh. alright. snarf-snarf. time to go.
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