The story of Jessica and I

Apr 17, 2005 18:19

Some of you are probably wondering how I met Jessica. Well, actually, Jessica and I have NEVER met. We are email buddies. We have spoken on the phone once in the whole time we've known each other. But I remember how we got introduced...

I was reading an anime magazine article about the movie "Metropolis." In the article, they actually told the ending of the movie. I was upset that they would put a spoiler with NO warning in the article (and let's face it, that was a pretty huge fucking spoiler!). So I wrote the magazine a letter expressing my disappointment. And they actually published my letter! In the letter was my email address in case anyone wanted to rally behind me with support or tell me to fuck off. I just thought it would be a cool way to meet some fellow anime fans. Needless to say, Jessica emailed me to tell me her thoughts on the topic. And we just kept emailing each other, talking about anime, getting to know one another. I was still living in Virginia and Jessica was in New York. Plus I was a few years older than Jessica, so I felt that she looked up to me as kinda like a sibling. She could ask me questions that she may have been too embarrassed to ask her family. I was there for her whenever she needed someone to vent to or talk to or whatever. We were tight. Then I think her computer died on her...we lost touch. And I can't lie...when we did meet back up online, it was never the same. And I miss how tight Jessica and I were. And I hope that one day she'll actually take me on my offer to hang out with me and Nikki, now that I live not that far from her. So live even closer now. Wanna go to the mall one day and check out anime titles?
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