Just a few housekeeping issues:
Your subject line must be Fight my clone Garfakcys! Conquer all! This is how we know you read the rules; you won't be stamped until you comply.
The rules are in the
userinfo. I really encourage all new members to read them carefully, you'll probably find they clear up most of the confusion you might have over the application.
A few issues about the application I've seen turn up a couple of times:
Image Colour is the colour you feel represents you and the qualities you have. Thatz's, for example, is green - and being the Dragon Knight of Earth (not to mention his lust for money), that makes sense, ne?
First Person means the first person pronoun you would use if you were speaking Japanese. I can't list them all, but some common ones are: atashi, boku, ore, watashi and watakushi.
Wikibooks has a short list of explanations if you have no idea which to choose.
Type you can think of as your character archetype/stereotype. This could be anything from "ditzy cheerleader" to "mother hen." You can surf over to
dk_profiles to see how it's done if you need to.
If in doubt, read the rules. Then
ask a mod.
Bannermakers! Where are you? We urgently need banners for Lim Kaana, Nohiro, Reema, Ringleys, Raseleane and Lykouleon, not to mention the rest of the main cast (where are all the Tetheuses, anyway?) I understand sometimes fandom just can't be a priority, but unless something gets done pretty soon, we're going to run into some problems. Thank you to
ddae for stepping up and making a few banners so we could get some people stamped.
And keep voting, everybody, and posting applications! It's great to see the comm getting a lot of activity lately~ ♥