Fight my clone Garfakcys! Conquer all!

Apr 20, 2006 15:32

1. Name: Sarah
2. Nickname: Guh, I have too many for my own good. @__@ Some are Tatsuha, TL, Reki, Kiddio, Frankie, and Thommie.
3. Age: 16
4. Birthdate: July 12th
5. Height: 5' 7"-ish
6. Gender: Female

7. Favorite Color: Green!!
8. Image Color: ....Que?
9. Eye Color: Dark Blue
10. Hair Color: Reddish Brown

11. Symbol: Probably a rose or something huge that can only be drawn correctly once!! XP
12. Favorite Animal: Panthers and foxes!!

13. Character: Funny and independent, too forgiving for my own good, horribly sarcastic and shrewd, can't take people who can't laugh at themselves
14. Likes: Second-hand anything, random/useless information that somehow saves me on random/useless questions, honesty, loyalty, questionable innuendo, arguing, umbrelli, singing along, baseball (GO RED SOX!!), dancing in the rain, rainbows, hats, cats, fist fights, and lurve. ^___^;;
15. Dislikes: Prejudice, closed minds, PMS, teenagers, the silence on elevators, liars, global warming, politically correct anything, fake attitudes, drama, people who can't effing grow up, children, people who are too grown up to have fun, and sheep mindsets.

16. Favorite Person: There are so many people I don't know, though!! Unfair!!
17. Hated Person: Proboscis or Cheeseface. I LOATHE THEM.
18. Loved Ones. This is different from the favorite person question: My best friends, my family, my not-so-best friends....uh, yeah. ^^;;

19. Specialties/Talents: Turning straight men into crossdressers!! XD Ummm, I'm a good singer and am fantastic with words so I could probably verbally rape someone. D:
20. Hobbies: Making people laugh/laughing, singing, dancing, writing, reading, drawing, driving really fast (>D), thinking up weird solutions to problems (like, "What if cancer could be cured by eating 17 strawberries through a lamp shade? Oooooh!"), debating, learning new things, playing basketball, and playing dress up.
21. Interest: Intelligent conversation/debate, offensive jokes, languages and foreign culture....err, see above?

22. Strong Points: I'm *horribly* honest, smart, and friendly, and I'm really eclectic and eccentric. Funny, too, and creative, independent, open-minded, determined, and passionate. And I'm a very loyal friend and very forgiving.
23. Weak Points: I get sidetracked easily, my ego gets to be huge (but I also have my really bad off days where I don't think I can do anything right), and I can be manipulative. I'm kind of antagonistic and very sarcastic and stubborn. I don't really think before I say things, either, and if I've got something to say, I say it.

24. Personal Policy/Motto: Try my hardest? The world's not so tough-it's all goo in the middle anyway!
25. First Person: to successfully put an elephant in an envelope!! (one of these days....that will be me!)
26. Type: Lawful Good [/DnD nerdery]

27. Mature or Immature?: A good mix of both. I'm always laughing and playing, but I can be horribly serious when needed.
28. Leader or Follower?: Neither. I hate following people, but I also hate having anyone immitate me. I guess I'd be a leader, if it came down to it. (Also, I'd hate being a leader because I hate being responsible for people who can't take care of themselves and I'd feel really guilt if someone got hurt because of a decision I'd made.)

29. What kinds of food do you eat?: Chili-dogs are my favourite, but I love Italian and Japanese foods!!
30. Decribe your personality: Cheerful, honest, friendly, try-anything-once, open-minded, non-judgemental, quick-tempered.

31. Favorite DK character and why?: Gil. He's adorable and perfect fanfiction material. BWAHAHAAH!!!!! >D

32. Anything else?: Umm, I don't care about gender in the rating (would actually maybe prefer to be rated as a male :D), and thank you very much!!

33. Include a picture or describe your physical appearance:

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