Fight my clone Garfackys! Conquer all!!

May 29, 2009 01:33

1. Name: Amanda
2. Nickname: none
3. Age: 18
4. Birthdate: September 6
5. Height: 5'5'' ish?
6. Gender: Female

7. Favorite Color: Purple
8. Image Color: Red
9. Eye Color: Brown
10. Hair Color: Brown

11. Symbol: Virgo/ Horse
12. Favorite Animal: Wolves, Cats, Cheetahs, Dragons, and Pheonixes.

13. Character: Usually kinda quiet and reserved, unless I'm with my friends or family - then I get really hyper and crazy. I tend to zone out a lot and daydream. You'll always find me with a sketchbook, a pencil,  and usually an I pod.
14. Likes: Manga/anime, classic rock, Yankees, Bowling, and reading.
15. Dislikes: Spicy stuff, rap, and Math

16. Favorite Person: Don't really have one
17. Hated Person: I don't really hate anybody. Dislike, yes but hate, no.
18. Loved Ones: Friends, family, my cats xD

19. Specialties/Talents: Drawing, my creativity, and I guess writing >>;
20. Hobbies: Drawing, writing, listening to music.
21. Interests: Manga/anime, books, writing, animals.
22. Strong Points: Extremely creative, good at finding alternative solutions to problems.
23. Weak Points: Procastinator, slightly opinionated, perfectionist to the point where it sometimes slows me down (in my writing and drawing only xD)

24. Personal Policy/Motto: There is no such thing as weird. Weird or normal only comes from someone else's opinion of you. So be yourself, screw everyone else!
25. First Person: Boku (I am normally informal but will give respect to those who deserve it. Wait, I guess that would be more Watashi? I think I'm a mix of both <<;)
26. Type: The one who stays true to herself no matter what other people think.

27. Mature or Immature: Mature inside but sometimes acts immature.
28. Leader or Follower: Depends -  a lot of the time I'll just go with the flow, but I'm not opposed to leading if need be.

29. What kinds of food do you eat?: Sweet things like chocolate or candy but I also love things like raspberries and strawberries.
30. Describe your personality: A lot of energy, tend to be hyper. I talk a lot and tend to babble. I am very creative and will almost always be working on something whether it be a drawing or a story. I am also very impatient and don't like to stay still for long periods of time. If you get me angry I can get violent - especially with words, but it usually takes a lot to get me to that point. As I said before, I can be opinionated - especially if it is about something I love.

31. Favorite DK  character and why?: Ruwalk and Alfeegi or any of the Officers. To me, the Officers' personalities kinda clash with each other but in a good way (usually xD) They are like four parts of a whole, each one as important as the others. The way they react with each other also tends to be very amusing, especially with Ruwalk and Alfeegi.

32. Anything else?: Umm, not really ^ ^;;

33. Include a picture or describe your physical appearance: Average looking - average height, brown hair and eyes. I wear glasses and am usually in a t - shirt and jeans or anything casual. My hair comes to a few inches below my shoulders but I am in the process of growing it out to mid back.

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